
Automate the home appliances w/ ZWave!

Primary LanguagePython

Zwave Control

Home automation control centre using the RaZberry 2- Gateway.

Control the home appliances with a Rasbperry Pi through the ZWave RaZberry 2- Gateway. The project aims to help users automate their home and co-ordinate the usage of appliances like heating according to the electricity prices.

⚠️ Project is in an early state of release. Breaking changes may be made to APIs/core structures as the project matures.


- Find relays in the network and turn them on/off [✔- ish]


- Webpanel to control the ZWave Devices [✗]
- Read metrics off of censors like temperature [✗]
- Automate relays to turn on/off according to electricity price [✗] 

How to run:

Git clone the folder to a Raspberry Pi with the ZWave RaZberry 2- GateWay installed and run:

python3.* main.py 

Project should work with Python 3.9 -> upward.