
A simple demo for using vue and apollo client with a GraphQL server

Primary LanguageVue


A vue project to demonstrate how graphql and vue works


You can replace yarn with npm run here.

# build for production
yarn build

# development mode
yarn dev

# run unit tests
yarn test

# serve the bundled dist folder in production mode
yarn serve


By default we only polyfill window.Promise and Object.assign. You can add more polyfills in ./src/polyfills.js.

Analyze bundle size

Run yarn report to get a report of bundle size which helps you:

  • Realize what's really inside your bundle
  • Find out what modules make up the most of it's size
  • Find modules that got there by mistake
  • Optimize it!

Progress Web App

Your app is now offline-ready (only in production bundle), which means you can visit it without network.

Here we use a default manifest.json to configurure your pwa, for example, to enable Add to Home Screen feature on Android. It will be copied directly to ./dist/manifest.json.

For all the available options, please head to poi-preset-offline.

This project is generated by create-vue-app.