
Damn Vulnerable Peripheral Device (DVPD) for Bluetooth LE Device Hacking learning and practice

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Damn Vulnerable Peripheral Device (DVPD) version 1.0

Damn Vulnerable Peripheral Device (DVPD) for Bluetooth LE Hacking learning and practice.
DVPD is a nodejs tool designed to understand and learn more about Bluetooth LE devices 
hacking without the need of actual hardware device


    git clone https://github.com/ji2kumar/dvpd.git


1. Nodejs Bleno Package <https://github.com/sandeepmistry/bleno#prerequisites>
2. Bluetooth LE 4.0 Adapter


sudo node dvpd.js

Tested Platform

1. Kali Linux
2. Raspberry Pi3

DVPD Mobile Application

1. DVPD mobile application source code can be taken from [here]: https://github.com/0ddblade/dvpd


1. if script not running, check Bluetooth adapter state.
       > hciconfig
         if "DOWN" then run following command:
             > hciconfig hci0 up   [e.g. hci0, might be different for you so put which is in use for you]


Name: Jitendra Kumar
Twitter: @ji2kumar


1. Narendra Kumar (twitter: @0ddhawk)