
jQuery for CS:GO's Vscript API

Primary LanguageSquirrelGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


An attempt at creating a jQuery-like library for CS:GO's Vscript API. Is it really useful? Maybe not... You will have to find out.


  1. Download csQuery.nut from the latest stable release and place it in csgo/scripts/vscripts.

  2. Reference it in a script. Referencing it multiple time will not impact performance. Example: IncludeScript("csQuery")

  3. You can start thinking about how stupid this idea is using csQuery!

Getting Started

Just like in the inspiration of this library, in order to do stuff with entities you first need to select these entities. There are 3 selectors:

  • .: Classname
  • #: Targetname
  • *: Everything
local texts = csQuery.Find(".point_worldtext");
local text_1 = csQuery.Find("#text_1");
local all = csQuery.Find('*');

In addition, you can also pass a CBaseEntity instance as the argument.

local player = csQuery.Find(activator);


// Calls the callback for every entity. The callback will be pased the CBaseEntity as an argument.
QueryArray Each(function callback);
// Calls the callback for every entity. The callback will be pased the CBaseEntity and the index of it in the array as an argument.
QueryArray EachWithIndex(function callback);

// Set the given KeyValue.
QueryArray SetKeyValue(string key, object value);

// Hides the entities by setting their rendermodes to 10 (Don't render) and, if not asked otherwise, solidity to 0 (Not solid).
QueryArray Hide(bool removeCollisions = true);
// Shows the entities by setting their rendermodes and collisionmodes to the default/given ones.
QueryArray Show(int rendermode = 0, int collisions = 6);

// Fires the given input (action) of the entities passing several optional parameters if given.
QueryArray EntFire(string action, string value = "", float delay = 0.0, CBaseEntity activator = null, CBaseEntity caller = null);

// Starts listening for the given output. In case it fires, the callback is called. The id is used to stop listening.
QueryArray On(string output, function callback, string id);
// Stops listening to the given output. The callback removed is the one identified with the id.
QueryArray Off(string output, string id);

// Saves the given value under the given key in the first entity's scope. 
// NOTE: Data saved will be stored throughout the entire match.
QueryArray SaveData(string key, object value);
// Returns whether data under the given key has already been stored in the first entity's scope.
bool HasData(string key);
// Returns the value under the given key in the first entity's scope. 
// NOTE: Will throw an exception if SaveData() has not been used at all.
object GetData(string key);
// Returns a table which contains all data stored in the first entity's scope through SaveData().
// NOTE: Will throw an exception if SaveData() has not been used at all.
table GetData();

// The passed function is used as a test for each entity in the array. `this` (environment object) is the current entity.
QueryArray Filter(function fltr);

// Precaches each model in the array. 
// NOTE: Models are only precached once regardless of the length of the array.
QueryArray PrecacheModels(string[] models);

// Returns the number of entities in the array.
int Length();

// Returns the CBaseEntity handle of the entity with the given index.
QueryArray Get(int index);
// Returns a QuerryArray with only the entity with the given index.
CBaseEntity Eq(int index);
// Returns a QuerryArray with only the first entity in the QuerryArray.
CBaseEntity First();


csQuery.Find(".point_worldtext").SetKeyValue("message", "Hello World");

csQuery.Find("#my_trigger_once").On("OnTrigger", function() {
    printl("My trigger has been triggered!")
}, "FooBar");

// Note that you can chain any of the functions together (except the ones which do not return `QueryArray`).
csQuery.Find("#my_prop_dynamic").Hide().SetKeyValue("skin", 1);