
A fast and reliable Go tool for scanning URLs for LFI exposure

Primary LanguageGo


is a lightweight and efficient tool designed to detect Local File Inclusion vulnerabilities in web applications. The tool scans the response body of URLs for specific patterns that indicate potential LFI exposure.


  • Pattern Matching: Detects common patterns associated with LFI vulnerabilities, such as /etc/passwd, boot.ini, and other sensitive files.
  • Versatile Input: Accepts URLs directly from the command line or reads from stdin, making it easy to integrate with other tools and scripts.
  • Timeout Control: Allows setting a custom request timeout to handle slow or unresponsive servers.
  • Verbose Mode: Provides detailed error messages and additional logging when needed.
  • Efficient Processing: Uses buffered I/O and optimized string matching for fast and memory-efficient processing.
  • Error Handling: Robust against network errors and malformed URLs, suitable for production environments.


To install the LFI Pattern Detector, ensure you have Go installed and then run:

go install -v github.com/Vulnpire/lfipad@latest

Or clone the repository and build the binary:

git clone https://github.com/Vulnpire/lfipad.git
cd ./lfipad
go build -o lfipad main.go


Single URL:
Provide a single URL as an argument to check for LFI patterns.

lfipad "http://example.com/vulnerable.php?file=../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd"

Multiple URLs via stdin:
Pipe a list of URLs into the tool using stdin.

cat urls.txt | ./LFIpad

Custom Timeout:
Set a custom request timeout with the -timeout flag.

lfipad -timeout=10s "http://example.com/vulnerable.php?file=../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd"

Example Output

Detected patterns in http://example.com/vulnerable.php?file=../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd:

- root:- root:


This tool is intended for educational purposes and for use in security assessments where you have explicit permission to test.