Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

PED Project

Getting Posts

It's all already done, but if you'd like to use our scripts to get other posts here is how to do it:

  1. Go to https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps/
  2. Create app: give it any name, choose script, set redirect uri to http://localhost:8080, you shoudl see something like this: alt text
  3. Clone this repo
  4. Create a .env file in the root directory and put envs into it:
CLIENT_ID=<the string under "personal use app" in the screen>
CLIENT_SECRET=<secret from the screen>
USER_AGENT=<anything e.g. testscript by u/your_user_name> It doesn't really need to be an env
REDDIT_USERNAME=<username of reddit account used for the creation of app in screen>
PASSWORD=<the password for this username>

I should look like this:

CLIENT_ID=FZ__Cy<rest of id>
CLIENT_SECRET=10Z7kV4btNlpo<rest of secret>
USER_AGENT=testscript by u/deepfuckingvalue 
  1. Run get_ids.py - now it can take a long time and should you need to pause it you should:
    1. copy the last like printed (e.g. 100 1986055),
    2. kill the process
    3. when you want to resume the process change the filename in f = open("ids.txt", "w") to e.g. ids2 (yeah, I know I could probably append to the file)
    4. comment or remove end_ts = int(dt.datetime(2021, 2, 11, 12).timestamp()),
    5. uncomment # end_ts = start_ts + 1093144 and put the value from the copied last line in place of 1093144
  2. Once get_ids finishes you and you have more than one file use merge_ids.py to merge them into one replace ['ids1.txt','ids2.txt','ids3.txt'] with the list of your filenames
  3. Use filter.py to filter removed posts - in my case they were more than 95% of all posts, so it was worth it. Note that this also creates a file with ids, timestamps, and flag if a post is deleted for plotting purposes, if you do nto want this comment lines with f2 variable.
  4. Use mapper.py to map ids of unremoved posts to their current statistics. If you need more (or less) information edit line = [...] i in this case is a praw.models.submission