I am collecting here simple R scripts for processing and analysis of spatial data. Mostly very basic stuff that I have found useful on a regular basis.
This is a work in progress, any comments and suggestions are welcome!
- [Reading shapefiles] (/ReadingDataIntoR/readShapefile.R)
- Reading coordinate information from text files (coming up..)
- Writing shapefiles (coming up..)
- [Getting data from MS Access database] (ReadingDataIntoR/GetDataFromMSAccess.R)
- Getting data from PostgreSQL database (coming up..)
- [Point-in-polygon: join attributes from polygons to points] (SpatialAnalysis/PointInPolygon.R)
- [Plot points on a simple world map] (Visualization/PlotPointsOnAMap_rworldmap.R)
- [Plot points on google maps] (Visualization/PlotPointsOnAMap_ggmap.R)
- Getting tweets (no code here yet)
- [Plot points on google maps] (Visualization/PlotPointsOnAMap_ggmap.R) or [Plot points on a simple world map] (Visualization/PlotPointsOnAMap_rworldmap.R)
- [Plotting wordclouds] (TextMining/PlotWordClouds.R)
- [Most frequent words] (TextMining/WordFrequencies_top10.R)