
FTS Framework DONE

Default routing system Done
Custom routing system Done
Areas Done
Strongly typed views Done
POST request actions using Binding Models Done
ViewHelpers for Forms, Ajax submitted Forms, CSRF Token Done
Form ViewHelper Done
Out of the box escaping the html chars unless stated otherwise Done
Data annotations Done
Overriding default route config with annotations Done
Dependency injection configuration (config file or annotation) Done
User roles and config/annotation for them Done
Upload files ViewHelper Done
Help page that scans all routes Done


Required functionalities: DONE
User registration / login and user profiles. Done
User roles (user, administrator editor) Done
Initial cash for users Done
Product categories Done
Listing products in categories Done
Add to cart functionality Done
Promotions for certain time interval Done
Quantity visibility Done
Checkout the cart Done
View cart Done
Users can sell bought products Done
Editors can add/delete product categories Done
Editors can add/delete products Done
Editors can move products between categories Done
Editors can change quantities Done
Editors can reorder products Done
Administrators have full access on products, categories, users and their possessions Done
Bonus functionalities: Managing the cart Done
Users can sell products Done
Users can make comments on products (review) Done
Administrators: ban users Not started
Administrators: ban IP’s Not started