A go project that creates an iterative (Onion) hash.
The program allows you to solve and create puzzle using:
- Md5Hash
- Sha1Hash
- Sha256Hash
- Sha512Hash
- Sha3256
When the goal is to solve a puzzle, it will put the solution in a JSON file of the form:
- Layer : Which layer of the algo the entry points to
- Algorithm : which hashing algorithm was used for said layer
- Time : how long it took to parse out the layer
- Question : what plain text was found in the layer
- Body : re reminder of the puzzle
The program uses flags to differentiate between solving and creation modes as well as to get desired file paths.
The mode flag, denoted by a -m
in the command line takes two possible values: s & c (solve and create)
The puzzle path flag, denoted by a -pp
, has two different effect depending on the mode. If the puzzle is in solve
mode, the program will solve the puzzle found in that path, if the puzzle is in create
mode, the program will put the created puzzle in that path. it is defaulted to look for puzzle.txt
in the current directory.
The solution file path flag, denoted by -sp
allows you to specify where you want the program to write the solution to (when in solve mode).
The program will stop solving the puzzle if the number of layers exceed the number specified by the max layer flag, denoted by -ln
This flag, denoted by -config
, is the file path to to configuration used in creation mode. There is an example in the Create a Puzzle section later.
To solve a puzzle, all you need is to set the program to solve
mode and give it a path
Using the executable and you are in it's directory:
./main -m=s -pp=example_puzzle.txt
To save the solution in a specific path,
./main -m=s -pp=example_puzzle.txt -sp=ILikePie.json
To create a puzzle, you need to first create a configuration file json file that mimics the json below
{"input" : [{"layer" : 1,
"algorithm" : "sha-1",
"message": "to be or not to be"},
{"layer" : 2,
"algorithm" : "md5",
"message": "I like pie"}]
Assuming you are using the executable, and your files are in the same directory
./main -m=c -pp=example_created_puzzle.txt -config=example_puzzle_config.json
The maximum number of layers you can create is 20.