Multivarite Analysis

This repository contains my lecture notes and datasets for the R practicals.

This course materials contains is just a support to the lectures. This material will also explain the R codes which has been used to prepared this material. So, students are highly recommended to read the text books listed here and not to depend only on this material.

Text Books

  • Rencher AC. Methods of multivariate analysis. John Wiley & Sons; 2003.
  • Raykov T, Marcoulides GA. An introduction to applied multivariate analysis. Routledge; 2012
  • Anderson TW. An introduction to multivariate statistical analysis. Wiley Eastern Private Limited; 1974
  • Johnson RA, Wichern DW. Applied multivariate statistical analysis. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall; 2014.

Lecture Notes

Practical Sheets

will be updated soon...

Data Sets