-- Xy-pic extension for MathJax --
XyJax is a almost Xy-pic compatible language extension for MathJax.
This extension enable us to draw various graphs and diagrams.
See http://sonoisa.github.com/xyjax/xyjax.html for more details. And origins
- MathJax: http://www.mathjax.org/
- Xy-pic: http://www.tug.org/applications/Xy-pic/
This software is under development, so this release is beta-quality.
- Download MathJax source code.
Go to the MathJax download site: http://www.mathjax.org/download/
Download MathJax source code (ver. >= 2.1).
Extract the MathJax source code to a directory (referred to as [MathJax dir]). e.g.
$ unzip mathjax-MathJax-v2.1-xxxx -d ~/work
In this case, [MaxJax dir] = ~/work/mathjax-MathJax-v2.1-xxxx
- Download XyJax source code.
Go to the XyJax download site (this page).
Click the Downloads button on the upper right side, and click Download zip or tar.gz button.
Extract the downloaded file to a directory (referred to as [XyJax dir]). e.g.
$ unzip sonoisa-XyJax-xxxxx -d ~/work
In this case, [XyJax dir] = ~/work/sonoisa-XyJax-xxxxx
- Move the XyJax files into the MathJax directory.
[XyJax dir]/extensions/fp.js → [MathJax dir]/extensions/fp.js
[XyJax dir]/extensions/TeX/xypic.js → [MathJax dir]/extensions/TeX/xypic.js
[XyJax dir]/test/sample-xyjax.html → [MathJax dir]/test/sample-xyjax.html
$ cp ~/work/sonoisa-XyJax-xxxxx/extensions/fp.js ~/work/mathjax-MathJax-v2.1-xxxx/extensions/ $ cp ~/work/sonoisa-XyJax-xxxxx/extensions/TeX/xypic.js ~/work/mathjax-MathJax-v2.1-xxxx/extensions/TeX/ $ cp ~/work/sonoisa-XyJax-xxxxx/test/sample-xyjax.html ~/work/mathjax-MathJax-v2.1-xxxx/test/
- Open [MathJax dir]/test/sample-xyjax.html with Firefox/Safari/Chrome.
- Install MathJax on your own server using the source code you created in step 3.
- Follow the local installation instructions: http://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/installation.html
- Use XyJax on your own site.
- like the configuration of the test/sample-xy.jax, load MathJax.js and fp.js, xypic.js within pages on your site.
<script type="text/x-mathjax-config> MathJax.Hub.Config({ extensions: ["tex2jax.js","fp.js"], // ^^^^^load fp.js jax: ["input/TeX","output/HTML-CSS"], "HTML-CSS": { styles: {".MathJax_Preview": {visibility: "hidden"}} }, "SVG": { styles: {".MathJax_Preview": {visibility: "hidden"}} }, tex2jax: {inlineMath: [["$","$"],["\\(","\\)"]]}, TeX: {extensions: ["xypic.js", "AMSmath.js","AMSsymbols.js"]} // ^^^^^^^^load xypic.js }); </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../MathJax.js"></script>
- Supported Browsers:
- Firefox
- Safari
- Chrome
- Opera
- Internet Explorer 9 (IE9 Standards Mode only)
- Supported Math Renderer:
- SVG (MathJax 2.1 or later required)
If you have any questions about XyJax, please let me know.
- e-mail: Isao Sonobe sonoisa@gmail.com