
Tool for visual diffing YUV420 files

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


  1. Description

This is a simple tool that does visual diff between two raw 4:2:0 YUV (IYUV) files. It can also be used as a simple YUV player.


Alt text Alt text Alt text

  1. Features

  • Can view the channels and their diffs separately
  • Zoomed view of the selected 16x16 macroblock
  • Macroblock grid display
  • Frame stepping
  1. Dependencies

libsdl2-dev is required for the sdl2 crate

  1. Building

cargo build --release
  1. Usage

yuvdiff [OPTIONS] <FILEA> <FILEB> --width <WIDTH> --height <HEIGHT>

	-c, --channel <CHANNEL>          Channel (y, u, v, c)
	-h, --height <HEIGHT>            Height
	-m, --multiplier <MULTIPLIER>    Diff multiplier (default: 5)
	-v, --view <VIEW>                View (a, b, d)
	-w, --width <WIDTH>              Width
  1. Controls

y, u, v, c -> Switch between Y U V indivudual channels and RGB view

a, b, d -> Switch between Frame A, Frame B and Diff

n, p -> Next frame, Previous frame

g -> Toggle macroblock grid

r -> Reset to first frame

q -> quit

  1. Issues

  1. Dimensions need to be multiples of 4