
As the penultimate project for Harvard's CS50 course, I developed several features for a web app that allows users to register and trade stocks using Python, HTML, and SQL

Primary LanguageCSS

CS50: Finance

This project was completed as part of Harvard's CS50 on EdX. Additional information about this project are available here.

The project involved creating a website that allows users to engage in imaginary stock trading by creating an account, buying, and selling stocks.

To implement the functionality required for this project, I developed the following features, found in app.py:

  • Register: This feature enables users to register on the website by submitting their username and password. The information is then stored in a sqlite 3 database.
  • Quote: Users can use this feature to look up the price of a stock by entering its symbol.
  • Buy: This feature allows users to purchase imaginary stocks, which are then saved in the database along with updates to their available funds.
  • Index: Users can view a summary table in HTML format that displays their current funds and stocks.
  • Sell: Users can sell stocks using this feature, which removes the stocks from the database and updates their available funds accordingly.
  • History: This feature enables users to view a table in HTML format that displays their transaction history.

It's worth noting that all code not related to the features mentioned above was provided by CS50.