
Exercises while going through https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/title-page.html

Primary LanguageRust

Learning Rust

Exercises while going through official book from doc.rust-lang.org

Notes taken from following along The Rust Book

Additional Resources Not Covered Here

  • Rustlings - Small exercises to solve in Rust

Shopify Repositories Using Rust In Production:


  • rustup is a CLI tool for managing Rust versions

    • rustc --version to check if rust is installed correctly
    • rustup doc to get documentation in browser
  • Cargo is the Rust build system and package manager $ cargo new to create a new project

    • "crates" => Packages of code
    • TOML is cargo's configuration format
    • Source files for codes live in the /src dir
    • $ cargo check to only compile without creating an executable
    • $ cargo run to execute (and re-compile if files have changed)
    • $ cargo build to compile and create an executable
      • $ cargo build --release to compile with optimizations => in target/release
    • $ cargo doc --open to open the documentation for the code/libraries in the project in a browser (very smart!)
    • "binary crates" are executable, "library crates" can't, are intended to be used in other programs
  • Compiling and running are separate steps

    • rustc runs the rust compiler => outputs a binary executable (prefer $ cargo build for more complex projects)
    • Rust is "ahead of time compiled" meaning, a binary executable can be run by a machine without rust installed

Style basics

  • rustfmt is a formatting tool
  • indent with four spaces
  • snake_case as conventional style for function and variable names

Variable basics

  • It is common to shadow existing variable names when converting type to reuse the variable name
let mut guess = String::new();
// ...
let guess: u32 = guess.trim().parse().expect("Please type a number!"); // note this new var is immutable
// `parse` method on strings converts it to another type
// the colon `:` after the var name tells Rust that the type will be annotated (here an unsigned 32-bit integer)

Function Basics

  • main function is special, it's always the first code that runs in every executable rust program.
  • Function body is wrapped in {} for all function bodies
  • println! calls a rust macro. println without the ! is a normal function.
    • Macros have some different rules than functions
  • ; indicates the end of an expression


  • use std::io; to import libraries (called the prelude)
  • variables are immutable by default, use mut before the variable name
  • // for comments, use // for each line of multi-line comments
  • In String::new(), :: refers to an associated function of the string type that makes a new value (a growable UTF-8 string)
  • .read_line(&mut guess) => & means the argument is a reference (immutable by default)
  • Result values are an enum that can have multiple variants: Ok and Err. Errors are handled by calling the expect method on the result type, if it has an error it gets handled here, otherwise returns the value that Ok is holding
  • {} can be used as placeholders in println!
    • println!("x = {x} and y + 2 = {}", y + 12); => x = 5 and y = 14
  • number types default to i32 32 bit integer


  • use rand::Rng => Rng trait defines methods that are implemented by random number generators. A trait must be in scope in order to use its methods
    • secret_num = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(1..=100);
      • => rand::thread_rng is the function with the rng to be used local to the current thread of execution
      • gen_range method takes a range exp as an arg, is inclusive on lower and upper bounds

Match expression

  match guess.cmp(&secret_number) {
      Ordering::Less => println!("Too small!"),
      Ordering::Greater => println!("Too big!"),
      Ordering::Equal => println!("Spot on!!"),
  • A match expr is comprised of "arms", each arm has a pattern to match against and the code to run if matched
    • expr ends after first successful match

Common Programming Concepts: Rust Edition: Ch.3


  • Variables are immutable by default, add mut in front of var to make it mutable => let mut x = 123;
    • Can't use mut with constants => const x = 5;
    • Constants can only be set to a constant expression, not a result from a value at runtime const SOME_CONST: u32 = 14
  • Shadowing variables is allowed, and encouraged for transforming types, mutating in inner scopes.
    • use let variable = "some new value" to declare a new variable with the same name for transformations, while keeping the "original" variable immutable
      • using mut instead will not allow you to change the type, and actually mutates the value
    • "Shadowed" value is used by compiler until scope ends or a new shadowing overrides it

Data Types

  • Rust is a statically typed langauge => some_var: u32 = //... for type annotations (here, unsigned 32 bit integer)
  • Scalar type represents a single value. Rust has four primary scalar types:
    • Integer
    • Floating-point number
    • Booleans
    • Characters

Integer Type: Number without a fractional component

  • signed int types start with i instead of u (signed means it's possible for the int to have a negative value)
  • the num like u32 refers to the number of bits of storage it uses
  • can use _ as a visual separator => 10_000 equals 10000
  • If value exceeds typed range => Integer Overflow
    • Int overflow results in panic in debug mode, but wrapping in release mode (should be handled, reliance is considered an error)

Floating-Point Types

  • Two types => f32 and f64, refers to bits of size for each float
    • f32 is single precision
    • f64 is double precision
  • All floats are signed

Numeric Operations

  • +, -, *, / (division), % (remainder) all operate as expected and evaluate to a single value that is bound to a variable

Boolean Type

  • true and false, 1 byte in size
  • e.g. let f: bool = false;

Character Type char

  • Rusts' must primitive alphabetic type, four bytes in size (a unicode scalar value)
  • Use ' ' single quotes (compared to string literals which use " " double quotes)
  • e.g. let my_string: char = 'abc';

Compound Types: Two primitive compound types: Tuples and Arrays

  • Group multiple values into a single type

Tuple Type

  • Group a variety of types into one compound type
  • Fixed length
  • Create using a comma separated list of values in parenthesis e.g.
  • a "unit" is a tuple without any values, written as () to represent an empty value or return type
fn main() {
    let tup: (i32, f64, u8) = (100, 6.9, 9)

    // can be destructured using pattern matching
    let (x, y, z) = tup
    println!({y}) => 6.9

    // or zero-based index access
    let nine = tup.2 // => 9

Array Type

  • Unlike a tuple, every element of an array must have the same type
  • Fixed length (use a Vector type instead for collection that can grow or shrink in size)
  • Used for data to allocated to stack rather than heap
  • Value accessed by index in brackets let first = a[0]
  • A value for an index out of the defined bounds will cause panic at runtime (memory safety)
fn main() {
    let a: [i32; 3] = [1,2,3]; //  3 element array of i32 ints
    let b = [3; 5]; // 3 element array, each with the value 5 => [5, 5, 5]


  • fn main() {} => entrypoint to most rust apps
  • fn keyword to declare new functions
  • Rust doesn't care about order that functions are defined, only that they're in scope
  • Must declare type of each parameter
  • Func return values are not named, but must be declared after an arrow ->

Statements and Expresssions

Function bodies are comprised of a series of statements optionally ending in an expr

  • Statements: Instructions that perform some action and do not return a value
    • e.g. creating and assigning a var, func definitions
  • Expressions: Evaluate to a resultant value
    • e.g. calling a func or a macro, a new scope block using {}
    • expressions do not include ending semicolons
      • putting an ending semicolon at the end of an expr transforms it into a statement (no return value)

Control Flow

  • if and loops are the most common control flows

  • if expr

    • Blocks of code associated with the conditions are called arms
    • Will not automatically type convert non-boolean types to a bool
  • Rust has three kinds of loops: loop, while, for


  • loop endless loop until explicit use of break to stop
    • use continue to skip over rest of code in block for this iteration and move to next iteration
    • break and continue by default apply to the innermost of nested loops
      • Can use loop labels to disambiguate multiple loops: 'some_loop_label: loop {} (notice the ' prefix)
        • Can affect labelled loops break 'some_loop_label; (notice the ' prefix)
  • while loop automatically breaks when condition is no longer true
  • for loop to execute some code for each item in a collection
    • e.g. for element in some_array { println!("Value is: {element}"); }

Understanding Ownership: Ch 4

  • Ownership is Rust's most unique feature, providing memory safety guarantees without a garbage collector

    • A set of rules that govern how a Rust program manages memory
  • Stack: Values are stored (pushed) in order received and removed (popped) in reverse (last in first out)

    • Good for data with a known size
  • Heap: Less organized, need to request space from memory allocator to get a pointer to the memory address of the location

    • Slower for read and write, because have to allocate memory, also have to follow a pointer for reads
  • Ownership Rules:

    • Each value in Rust has an owner
    • There can only be one owner at a time (assigning a value to another variable moves it)
    • When the owner goes out of scope, the value will be dropped
  • String type (not string literal) is mutable: let s = String::from("hello world");

  • drop function is called automatically at the closing curly brace to drop memory allocation for vars going out of scope

  • reassignment of variables results in a "move" not a shallow copy because first variable is invalidated:

let s1 = String::from("some string");
let s2 = s1; // invalidates s1
println!("{}", s1) // throws error

References and Borrowing

  • Prepending & in front of a type signifies a reference is passed
    • Allows referring to a value without taking ownership of it (called borrowing)
    • References are immutable by default
    • Can create a mutable reference by declaring the initial var with mut and &mut as the reference
      • Can't mix both &s immutable and &mut s mutable references
    • Can either have 1 mutable reference, or limitless immutable references, but can't mix them
    • Refernces must always be valid, or compiler will err (if reference is to a value that has been dropped)
fn calculate_length(s: &String) -> usize { // note &String type is immutable ref

let mut s = String::from("hi"); // var declared as mutable

change(&mut s); // mut reference passed

fn change(some_string: &mut String) { // mut param declared
  some_string.push_str(", other string");

The Slice Type

  • A slice is a kind of reference that lets you refer to a contiguous sequence of elements in a collection
  • &str is the type for "string slice" which is an immutable reference
    • fn returns_string_slice(s: &String) -> &str { ... takes String referrence, returns a string slice
    • Generally more flexible to use (s: &str) as a param, becuase can be used for &String and &str values
  • Can slice other collections like arrays more generally too
// String slice
let s = String::from("hack days!");

let slice = &s[0..4]; // "hack" => slice var s from index 0 to 3 (start index to one more than end index)
let slice = &s[..4]; // also "hack"

let slice = &s[6..11] // "days!"
let slice = &s[6..] // also "days!"

let slice = &s[..] // "hack days!" => from start index to one more than end index

// Array slice
let a = [1, 2, 3];

let arr_slice = &a[..3]; // [1, 2]

Using Structs to Structure Related Data: Ch.5

  • Struct is a custom data type that allows you to package and organize related values as named fields that comprise a meaningful group
    • Methods are associated functions
    • Can instantiate structs, use dot notation to retrieve values
    • Use mut to declare mutable instance => entire struct must be mutable, can't allow mutating only specific fields
    • Can use factory functions to build structs with default values
// Define struct with field names and types
struct User {
  active: bool,
  first_name: String, // Instance owns this value
  email: String,
  sign_in_count: u64,

// Instantiation of mutable instance with concrete values
let mut user1 = User {
  active: true,
  first_name: String::from("Will"),
  email: String::from("abc@example.com"),
  sign_in_count: 1,

user1.email = String::from("someotheremail@place.com"); // dot notation for field access

// Factory to build user with default values
fn build_user(email: String, first_name: String) -> User {
  User {
    active: true,
    first_name, // Field init shorthand notation to use parameter value with same name
    sign_in_count: 1,

// Using struct update syntax to create a new instance spreading values from other struct (for values not explicitly set)
let user2 = User {
  email: String::from("newemail@example.com"),
  ..user1 // spread must come last (will not use the value for email because it was explicitly defined above)
  • Tuple Structs Without Named Fields behave like tuples
struct Color(i32, i32, i32); // unnamed fields because would be redundant

let black = Color(0, 0, 0); //


  • Similar to functions, but defined within a struct (or enum/trait object) and pirst parameter is always self
    • self is the instance of the struct the method is being called on
  • Define a method within the context of a struct by starting an impl (Implement) block for the struct
  • Can define a method with the same name as one of the struct's fields which can be invoked by using () parenthesis
    • e.g. rect1.width() for method, rect1.width for field value
    • Generally used to create getter methods (not implemented automatically) => helpful for access control
struct Rectangle {
  width: u32,
  height: u32,

impl Rectangle {
  // within impl block, `Self` is an alias for the type the block is for
  fn area(&self) -> u32 {  // `&self` is short for `self: &Self`
    self.width * self.height
  • All functions defined within an impl block are associated functions (associated with the type named in the impl)
    • Can define non-method associated functions (don't have self as first param)
    • Used like String::from
impl Rectangle {
  fn square(size: u32) -> Self { // -> returns an instance of Rectangle with matching width and height
    Self {
      width: size,
      height: size,

let new_square = Rectangle::square(10);

Enums and Pattern Matching: Ch.6

  • Enums allow defining a type by enumerating its possible variants

    • A way of saying "a value is one of a possible set of values"
    • An enum value can only be one of its variants
  • Option enum expresses that a value can be something or nothing

  • Pattern matching in match expr for running code based on the value of an enum

  • Rust does not have a null type, instead has Option

    • To use an Option<T>, need to handle both the None and Some cases or compiler will fail
enum Option<T> { // `<T>` is a Generic type, can hold any type

match for Control Flow

  • if requires condition to evaluate to a boolean, but match can take any type
  • match has 'arms' that have a pattern and some code
  • Matches must be exhaustive
  • Use other as a catch all pattern matcher where value is used (must be last) e.g. other => func_with_param(other)
    • Use _ as a special pattern that matches any value and does not bind to it e.g _ => no_param_func()
      • Use _ => () to match any value and do nothing (expr is an empty tuple)
fn plus_five(x: Option<i32>) -> Option<i32> { // Return value could be None, or a 32 bit integer
  match x {
    None => None, // If value is `None`, return `None`
    Some(i) => Some(i + 5), // the `i` binds to the value contained in `Some`

let six = Some(6); // 6
let eleven = plus_five(six); // 11
let none = plus_five(None); // None

if let Control Flow

  • Can avoid some of the boilerplate code of a match when only interested in handling code that matches one pattern and ignoring the rest:
let config_max = Some(3u8);
if let Some(max) = config_max { // Only does something if matches the `Some(max) = config_max` expr
  // do something

Crates and Modules: Ch. 7

Packages and Crates

  • Packages => A Cargo feature to build, test and share creates
  • Crates => A tree of modules that produces a library or executable
    • The smallest amount of code that a Rust compiler considers at a time
    • Crates can be:
      • Binary (with a main func, compile to an executable) $ /src/main.rs by default, or $ /src/bin/ for multiples
      • Library (no main, used for shared functionality) $ /src/lib.rs


  • For grouping and reusing related code
  • All items are private to parent modules by default (use pub to make an item public)
    • Making a module public with pub mod doesn't make its contents public => need to pub fn to expose the funcs
  • Modules and use => Allows controlling the organization, scope and privacy of paths
    • use crate::some_module::Type to load in the type so later can refer to just Type
    • pub mod garden; => load in the src/garden.rs file
  • Paths => A way of naming an item like a struct, func or module
    • Use :: as separators
    • Absolute (full path starting at root)
    • Relative (starts from current module, and uses self, super or an identifier in the current mod)

Structs and Enums

  • Can use pub to designate struct as public, but fields remain private
    • Make individual fields for a struct public with pub field_name: String,
    • If an enum is public, all its variants become public pub enum Appetizer {...}

use Keyword

  • use is like creating a symlink in the filesystem, allows avoidance of qualifying full paths to modules
    • add use crate::some_module::the_module to bring the_module into scope as if it were defined there (still checks privacy)
  • idiomatic to use the parent module of a func to be used so that it must be invoked with parent_mod::the_func so it's clear it's not locally defined
  • idiomatic to use the fully qualified path to structs, enums and other items
  • as for aliasing duplicate names => use std::io::Result as IoResult;
  • pub use to re-export names so that calling code can bring into scope
  • Nested paths for re-using shared paths:
    • use std::{cmp::Ordering, io}; => brings std:cmp::Ordering and std::iointo scope
    • use std::io::{self, Write}; => brings std::io and std::io::Writeinto scope
    • use std::collections::*; => Glob operator brings all public items from std::collections into scope

Common Collections: Ch. 8

  • Vector for storing more than one value with all values next to each other in memory (Link to Documentation)
    • Data is stored on the heap
    • Can only store values of the same type
    • Can't hold an (immutable) reference to an element and modify the vector within the same scope (violates mutable and immutable references in same scope rule)
let v: Vec<i32> = Vec::new();  // explicit type for empty Vector
let v2 = vec!['a', 'b', 'c']  // implied type using `vec!` macro
v2.push('d'); // push item into vector => ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
let first = v2.get(0); // gets item at zeroth index
let first_directly = &v[0]; // panics if outside of vector range

let mut v3 = vec![1, 2, 3];
for i in &mut v {
  *i += 100; // use * dereference operator to get the value in `i` before mutating
  // note: can't modify number of elements in vector within for loop
  • Enum to store multiple types in a Vector

    • Create an enum with the types that might be present, then populate the vector with that single enum type
      • The compiler will ensure each case is handled
  • String String or str (string slice)

    • String is implemented as a wrapper around a vector of bytes with some differences, so many similarities in the operations available to strings and vectors
    • Strings are UTF-8 encoded, so multibyte chars are supported
    • Can't access strings via indexes e.g. s[0] to get first char
      • Becuase of UTF-8 encoding, some chars are multibyte and index will not always result in a valid unicode scalar
      • 3 ways to look at strings from Rust => bytes, scalar values, grapheme clusters (like letters)
      • Can use byte ranges, but dangerous because might land in middle of a multi-byte char let s = &hello[0..4]; (first 4 bytes)
      • Best way to iterate over strings is to specify chars() or bytes()
let s = String::from("another string"); // `String` from string literal
let s2 = "some string".to_string(); // working on string literal directly

let mut s3 = "hello".to_string();
s3.push_str(" world"); // => "hello world"

// format! macro utilizes refernces, so s2 and s3 are still in scope
let s4 = format!("{s2} and {s3}") // "some string and hello world"

for char in "hi".chars() {
// => "h"
// => "i"

for byte in "hi".bytes() {
// => 104
// => 105
  • Hash Maps HashMap<K, V>
    • Keys can be any type, but all keys must be of the same type and all values must be of the same type
    • Data is stored on the heap
    • For types that implement the Copy trait like i32, values are copied into hash map
    • For owned values like String, the values will be moved and the hash map will become the owner of the values
    • Can use entry() to retrieve a value for a key
use std::collections::HashMap;

let mut scores = HashMap::new();

scores.insert(String::from("Blue"), 10);
scores.insert(String::from("Yellow"), 20);
scores.insert(String::from("Yellow"), 30); // will overwrite previous value for "Yellow" key

let team_name = String::from("Blue");
// handle option by using copied() to get an Option<i32> instead of Option<&i32>
// `unwrap_or` to set score of 0 if no entry in hashmap for key
let score = scores.get(&team_name).copied().unwrap_or(0);

println!("Blue team score: {score}"); // Blue team score: 10

for (key, value) in &scores {
    println!("{key}: {value}"); // prints in arbitrary order

println!("{:?}", scores); // {"Blue": 10, "Yellow": 30}

scores.entry(String::from("Green")).or_insert(100); // either take score for key "Green", or insert 100

Error Handling: Ch.9

  • Rust does not have exceptions, it has two major error categories:
    • Recoverable => Result<T, E> type
    • Unrecoverable => symptom of bug, calls panic! macro


  • panic! => Default: print failure message, unwind, clean up stack and quit
    • Can configure to immediately abort instead and let the OS clean up the memory (unwind/clean up is expensive)
    • [profile.release] panic = 'abort'
    • set $ RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo run to print out the backtrace


  • <T> and <E> are generic types
    • <T> returned in success case with Ok variant
    • <E> returned in failure case with Err variant
  • Can use unrwrap_or_else method to condense logic instead of using match and handling Err
  • unwrap method provides shorthand where if the Result value is Ok, will return the value inside Ok, but if it's an Err variant will call the panic! macro
    • expect method is similar to unwrap, but allows setting a custom error message
  • Propogate errors by returning the error to the calling code Err(e) => return Err(e)
    • ? operator as a shortcut to propogate errors File::open("some.txt")?; (note the ? after the Result)
      • ? passes through the from function, so can convert the error returned to a custom Err
      • Can chain method calls after ? to lessen boilerplate code
      • Can only use ? where return type is compatible (i.e. a Result, Option type, or implements FromResidual)
enum Result<T, E> {

fn some_func() -> Result<String, io::Error> {
  let mut some_file = File::open("file.txt")?; // note the `?` where a Result is returned

Deciding to `panic! or Not

  • panic! in tests, prototype code, code examples
  • use unwrap or expect when hardcoding means a result will always be ok, but compiler won't be able to tell
  • panic! when code gets into a bad state from unexpected value
  • return a Result when failure is an expected possibility
  • Functions have contracts: behaviour is only guaranteed if the inputs meet requirements => panic when contract is violated
    • Rely on type system to avoid excess handling

Generic Types, Traits and Lifetimes: Ch.10

  • generics: abstract stand-ins for concrete types or other properties
    • Functions can take params of generic types
  • Use traits to define behavior in a generic way
    • Combine traits + generics to constrain generic types to only accept types with specified behaviors
  • lifetimes: a variety of generics that tell the compiler how references relate to each other
    • So compiler can know enough about borrowed values to ensure refs will be valid in more situations

Generic Data Types

  • Use generic types to de-duplicate logic by extracting to a function with generic parameters
  • by convention, generic type parameter for a function is <T>
  • No runtime cost to using generic types, compiler converts to concrete types (process called monomorphization)
// "the function largest is generic over some type `T`
fn largest<T>(list: &[T]) -> &T {...}` // accepts reference to a slice of values of generic type `<T>`

// works for structs too
struct Point<T> {
  x: T,
  y: T, // x and y are of generic type, but must be of the same type T

struct Point<T, U> { // defining two generics allows x and y to mix/match between two types
  x: T,
  y: U,

// Works to hold generic types in enum variants too
enum Option<T> {
  Some(T), // some holds value for a generic (any) type
  None, // holds no value

enum Result<T, E> { // holds multiple generics, T and E

Traits: Defining Shared Behavior

  • trait defines functionality that a type has and can share with other types
    • Used to share behavior in an abstract way
    • Use trait bounds to specify that a generic type can be any that has a certain trait behavior
    • need to bring trait into scope to use => use aggregator::{Summary, Tweet};
    • Can't implement traits on external traits on external types (orphan rule)
pub trait Summary { // declare trait with name
  fn summarize(&self) -> String; // note semi-colon, each type implementing this trait must have a method with this exact signature defined

impl Summary for NewsArticle { // note `for`
  fn summarize(&self) -> String { // ...some implementation for NewsArticle }

impl Summary for Tweet {
  fn summarize(&self) -> String { // ... some implmentation for Tweet}

Can also define default implmentations

pub trait Summary {
  fn summarize(&self) -> String { // default implmentation in block
    String::from("(Read more...)")

// can define functions that accept types with traits
pub fn notify(item: &impl Summary) { // accepts any type that implements the `Summary` trait
  println!("Breaking news! {}", item.summarize()); // calls method from Summary trait

// Trait bound syntax forces multiple traits to conform to same trait
pub fn notify<T: Summary>(item1: &T, item2: &T) {

// Multiple trait bounds to enforce implementations of multiple traits with `+`
pub fn notify<T: Summary + Display>(item: &T) { // accepts types that implement both Summary and Display traits

// Can return types that implement traits in method return definition (as long as only returning a single type)
fn returns_summarizable() -> impl Summary { // return value is guaranteed to implement the Summary trait

Validating References with Lifetimes

  • Lifetimes are another type of generic that ensure references are valid as long as they're needed to be

    • Every reference has a lifetime => the scope where that reference is valid
    • Their goal is to prevent dangling references
    • Generally lifetimes are implicit and inferred, but must be annotated when the lifetimes of references could be related in multiple ways
    • Annotating lifetimes is a concept that it pretty unique to Rust
  • Lifetime annontation syntax describe the relationships of the lifetimes of multiple references to each other

    • names of lifetime parameters must start with an apostrophe ', and are lowercased and short
    • The lifetime of the reference returned is the same as the smaller of the lifetimes of the references passed in
      • i.e. they both go out of scope when the smaller lifetime goes out of scope
      • Lifetime Elision rules allow the compiler to sometimes generate lifetimes implicitly to avoid boilerplate code
    • 'static lifetime denotes that the reference can live for the entire duration of the program
fn longest<'a>(x: &'a str, y: &'a str) -> &'a str { // the returned reference will be valid as long as both params are valid (share lifetime 'a)
  if x.len() > y.len() {
  } else {

// Lifetime declared as part of struct definition
struct Excerpt<'a> { // an instance of Excerpt can't outlive the reference it holds in its `part` field
  part: &'a str,

Writing Automated Tests: Ch.11

  • Setup, run code under test, assert results are what's expected
  • A Rust test is essentially a function that's annotated with the test attribute
  • Run tests with $ cargo test, each test is run in a new thread
  • use #[should_panic(expected = "some expected panic message")] attribute above test to assert that panic occured in test code
  • Write unit tests in the /src dir directly in the file with the code it's testing (conventionally within a mod tests)
#[cfg(test)] // tells cargo to compile and run the code only when running `$ cargo test` but ignore when running `$ cargo build`
mod tests {
  use super::*; // to bring code under test defined in outer module into the scope of inner `tests` module

  #[test] // annotation attribute indicates that below it is a test fn
  fn it_works() {
    let result = 5 + 5;
    assert_eq!(result, 10) // assert_eq! is a macro from std lib
    assert_ne!(result, 11) // assert not equal