
finalproject-lightsabr created by GitHub Classroom

Apart from Github Insights, please checkout our Trello board for a comprehensive history of our team collaboration:

Team Members

  • Shiyao Feng
  • Alexander Yee
  • Brett McCausland
  • Rogelio Macedo

Search Engine

  • Web Crawler

    (a) Architecture.

    • Multi-threaded design

    • Duplicate detection

    (b) The Crawling or data collection strategy

    • Using multiple threading to get the URL from seed web, and extract links from it to other docs (URLs) without duplicates by concurrent.futures and regular expression.

    • Using multiple threading to download each HTML file to a local folder by 16 multi-task.

    • In the data folder, the application creates a different level folder to keep the files.

    • The application allows user input the number of pages to crawl and number of levels to limit application.

    • The default setting of application: if the application gets the file over 1GB in some arbitrary level K, the application will stop when it finished web crawling in level K.

    • If the user wants to input the limit by page or level, the memory wouldn’t be limit by 1 GB

    • When web crawling reaches the max level, the application will stop until the job is at max level.

    (c) Data Structures employed.

    • Python lists
    • Dictionaries
    • Queues
    • Time
    • Hurry filesize(file size)
    • re(regular expression)
    • The BeautifulSoup library
    • The urllib.request module

    (d) Limitations

    • the multi-process of python is hard to control the shared variable-page_number, so the application will stop at Max ~ Max + 15. The reason why the application will stop at Max +15 is that I set 16 task to run the process.
  • Structure HTML Data

    • Parse .html and convert to .json format
  • Indexer

    (a) Architecture

    • Ubuntu Virtual Machine on Virtualbox serving as Elasticsearch cluster

    (b) Index Structures

    • JSON Mapping Structure of a Web-document
      • {
        • id: number,
        • title: string,
        • url: string,
        • level: string,
        • filename: string,
        • body: string
        • }

    (c) Search Algorithm

    • Pose queries through RESTful API over HTTP requests (HEAD, GET, POST, etc.)
    • Retrieve results based on multi-match of web-document fields: title, body

    (d) Limitations

    • Due to virtual cluster, only the host machine of the cluster may successfully make HTTP requests and thus run the application

Extension : Web Interface Front-end

  • Please refer to our FrontEnd repository which can be found here:
  • Frameworks used:
    • Express and Node.js
    • Ping the cluster when executing the application
    • Allow user queries through a search bar and submit button
    • Display ranked list of .edu web page documents
  • Limitations
    • We wish to modify the Embedded JavaScript file FrontEnd/views/s.ejs to search for the matched words in a query and only highlight those
    • The only way to access the virtual cluster is directly through the host running the virtual machine

Compiling and Running Instructions

  • Web Crawler
    • When running the python web crawler, the text interface walks you through a number of crawling options
    • See web crawler section under "The Crawling or data collection strategy" for the various options of web crawling
  • Converting to json Format
    • running takes the data/ folder and outputs data.txt
  • Setting Up the Virtual Cluster
    • Use VirtualBox (or whatever other virtual machine/local machine used to host the Elasticsearch server)
    • Assuming that the virtual machine is already set up with Elasticsearch, this is step where the user logs into their virtual machine
    • Save data.txtas .json extension, and bulk-load data.json with a PUT/POST request
  • Front End
    • To connect to the cluster, the user would have to modify the host's login information in FrontEnd/app.js to match their own login information
    • When connected to the Elasticsearch cluster, running the node application FrontEnd/app.js which will initially ping the cluster to make sure the server is online
    • At this point, you may now launch the website localhost:3000 and begin searching