
Geolocation of log entries

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Geolocation of log entries


We aim to consume Apache HTTPD access_log entries and display their distribution on a map (global or UK). We also wish to take subsets of the data (e.g. 3 weeks ago until 1 week ago) and display this subset distribution.

Suggested Technologies (subject to change)

Clojure Compojure Incanter Datomic


You will need Leiningen 1.7.0 or above installed.

Get dependancies

To retrieve dependancies, run:

lein deps

Running tests

To run the tests, run:

lein test


To start a web server for the application, run:

lein ring server

To start a headless web server, run:

lein ring server-headless

To kick off auto-compilation of clojurescript code, in a separate terminal or screen, run: lein cljsbuild auto


Copyright © 2014 FIXME

This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com


  • Merge timestamp and ip address functions- AL
  • Convert timestamp and ip to JSON - AL
  • Convert timestamp to epoch time - AL
  • Extract all long and lats from Apache log and convert them to JSON - AL
  • GET endpoint JSON with relevant data from Apache logs - AL
  • Integrate database (Maxmind CSV) with GeoIP location - RL
  • Provide a lookup function for IP address to location - RL
  • Visualise map with :longitude(s), :latitude(s), (:city?) - NL (contour)
  • Render statistics : Create some starting graphs that consume the data - UT
  • Add instructions for lein cljs build - UT
  • Decide on which rendering graphs - UT - at this stage incanter with memoization most straightforward
  • Instructions on Datatomic install - RL
  • Get data from MaxMind urls and unzip as a periodic background process
  • [ ]