Enable Golang in VSCode


create new beego project inside project folders.

Make sure bin folder is added in the path. It is the golang path. Then run: bee new golang-catapi This will create a new golang project with beego Run go mod tidy Run go get Now enter inside project folder and bee run it will open http://localhost:8080/

GOLang basics

  1. Variadic functions can be called with any number of trailing arguments. For example, fmt.Println is a common variadic function.
  2. In Go the concept of char is called Rune
  3. Go supports methods defined on struct types.

parse json response

https://dev.to/billylkc/parse-json-api-response-in-go-10ng https://mholt.github.io/json-to-go/

Project Structure

  1. This project contains the golang features
  2. GET and POST request from backend go project to frontend and parse the response

Project output

![Search Cat and Make Favorite] (https://github.com/W3-Anjan/golang-catapi/blob/master/static/img/1.PNG?raw=true)

![Get all Favorites Cat] (https://github.com/W3-Anjan/golang-catapi/blob/master/static/img/2.PNG?raw=true)