- What is CTF? - A video by LiveOverFlow introducing the idea of security Capture The Flag competitions.
- CTFtime - A site all about CTFs, with information on CTF teams, CTF ratings, CTF writeups, CTF archive and upcoming CTFs.
- CTF 101 - A guide for techniques, thought processes, and methodologies to succeed in CTF competitions.
- Trail of Bits' CTF guide - A simple guide for getting into the CTF world and cyber security.
- CTFlearn - An ethical hacking platform that enables tens of thousands to learn, practice, and compete.
- PicoCTF - Popular CTF created by students at CMU.
- RingZer0 CTF - RingZer0 Team's online CTF offers you tons of challenges designed to test and improve your hacking skills through hacking challenges.
- apsdehal/awesome-ctf - A curated list of Capture The Flag (CTF) frameworks, libraries, resources, softwares and tutorials.
- zardus/ctf-tools - A collection of security tools that might be needed in a CTF.
- CTF Design Guidelines - Design guidelines for CTF authors and organizers.
- How to make boot2root machines - An article showcasing the setup process for a boot2root machine.
- pwning/docs - PPP's tips and suggestions for running a CTF
- Kali Linux CTF Blueprints - A book detailing how to create CTF challenges.
- Tips and Tactics for Creating Your Own CTF Event
- WeChall - Overview of hacking challenge and problem solving sites.
- zardus/wargame-nexus - An organized, PR-able list of wargame sites.
- Deuterium's Hacking Sites - Similar to the lists above, organized by category and with description for each site.
- OverTheWire - Popular wargames site with challenges at Bash scripting, linux exploitation and web exploitation.
- UnderTheWire - Similar to OverTheWire, but with Powershell scripting.
- CMD challenge - Challenges created to teach shell basics and specifically bash.
- hackthissite.org - Free, safe and legal training ground for hackers to test and expand their ethical hacking skills with challenges, CTFs, and more.
- SANS Holiday Hack Challenges - Every christmas since 2011 SANS puts out a big event with tons of great challenges, the events are avaliable after the holiday.
- Smash The Stack - One of the oldest wargames.
- Linux Journey
- LinuxCommand.org - A site for The Linux Command Line book by William Shotts.
- DEF CON - One of the largest and most notable security conference.
- Black Hat - Similar to DEF CON, one of the premier information security conferences in the world.
- Security BSides - A series of loosely affiliated information security conferences, multiple events each year including one in Israel.
- RSA - A series of bussiness-oriented IT security conferences, initially on cryptography but now covers multiple areas.
- r/netsec - A community for technical news and discussion of information security and closely related topics.
- r/hacking
- r/cybersecurity
- GreySec
- 0x00sec
- Tuts 4 You's forum
- Krebs on Security - In-depth security news and investigation.
- Schneier on Security
- Project Zero
- Megabeets
- r/hacking wiki
- Developer-Y/cs-video-courses - Free university CS courses with video lectures.
- gerryguy311/Free_CyberSecurity_Professional_Development_Resources - An awesome list of resources for training, conferences, speaking, labs, reading, etc. that are free.
- trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge - A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
- LHC Resources - A list of resources from the laptop hacking coffee community.
- The-Art-of-Hacking\h4cker - Tons of resources related to ethical hacking / penetration testing, digital forensics and incident response (DFIR), vulnerability research, exploit development, reverse engineering, and more.
- Simply Cyber's Resources - An awesome list of resources for training, conferences, speaking, labs, reading, etc that are free.
- Nickapic's Notes - Notes, resources and writeups related to Cybersecurity.
- HackTricks - carlospolop's notes on tricks/techniques and what he learnt in CTFs, pentesting and reading on cybersecurity.
- LiveOverflow
- John Hammond
- IppSec
- Gynvael
- PwnFunction
- PinkDraconian
- 247CTF
- stacksmashing
- Nahamsec
- The Cyber Mentor
- Darknet Diaries- Fairly dramatic podcast on cyber by Jack Rhysider.
- StormCast - Daily 5-10 minute information security threat updates, by SANS.
- Security Now
- The Cyberwire Podcasts - Podcasts provided by The Cyberwire, includes daily and weekly shows.
- Malicious Life - A podcast by Cybereason.
- The Hacker Mind
- Command Line Heroes - A podcast by Red Hat.
- Smashing Security
- DAY[0]
- Hackable? - Similar to Darknet Diaries, by McAfee.
- CYBER - A podcast by VICE.
- CPRadio - A weekly podcast discussing new threats and vulnerabilities, by CheckPoint.
- risky.biz
- Security Weekly
- David Wong's blog and channel - David Wong is an author and blogger, he has a lot of content on cryptography and security in general.
- r/crypto - A forum on cryptography and cryptanalysis.
- r/codes - A forum on basic cipher and codes.
- Crypton - An educational library to learn and practice offensive and defensive cryptography.
- Cryptology ePrint Archive - The Cryptology ePrint Archive provides rapid access to recent research in cryptology.
- Cyberchef - A web app for simple encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis.
- dCode - Similar to Cyberchef with more ecryption and encoding systems.
- Pycryptodome - Self-contained Python package of low-level cryptographic primitives.
- SageMath - Open-source mathematics software system using python 3, this system contains many cryptosystems and is used for algerbric calculation and cryptanalysis.
- CrypTool - E-learning platform for cryptography and cryptanalysis.
- CrackStation - A tool for cracking hashes using massive pre-computed lookup tables.
- factordb - A tool for factoring numbers using a database of known factorings.
- Cryptography I - A free online introduction course in cryptography by Dan Boneh.
- Crypto101 - An introductory course on cryptography, freely available for programmers of all ages and skill levels.
- Introduction to Cryptography by Christof Paar - A comprehensive introduction to modern applied crypto. Only high school math is required to follow the lectures.
- Block Breakers - A course on block ciphers and attacks on block ciphers.
- CrypTool Book - Good free book in cryptography for people without mathematical background.
- Serious Cryptography -A Practical Introduction to Modern Encryption.
- Introduction to Modern Cryptography - An introduction to the core principles of modern cryptography.
- A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography - A WIP cryptography book by Dan Boneh and Victor Shoup.
- Handbook of Applied Cryptography - An overview of cryptography, a bit old but a good introductory book.
- Cryptohack - A fun platform for learning modern cryptography.
- Cryptopals - A learning platform with a lot of exercises separated into sets.
- id0-rsa - Similar to cryptopals.
- W3Schools - An educational website for learning web technologies.
- PwnFunction - A YouTube channel discussing web exploitation techniques in a simple to understand manner.
- Hacksplaining - A website for learning simple web exploitation techniques and vulnerabilities.
- infoslack/awesome-web-hacking
- Burp Suite - A fully featured web application attack tool.
- Postman - A tool for making HTTP requests and test API's.
- PayloadAllTheThings - A list of useful payloads and bypasses for Web Application Security.
- Damn Vulnerable Web Application - A vulnerable PHP/MySQL web application for testing attacks and learning web application security.
- OWASP Juice Shop - Modern and sophisticated insecure web application for security training, demos, CTFs and etc.
- CS 253 Web Security - A course giving a comprehensive overview of web security by the CS department in Stanford University.
- TryHackMe's Web Hacking Fundamentals - A module exploring the basics of web applications and basic exploitation.
- Hacker101 - A free class for web security, created by hackerOne.
- The Web Application Hacker's Handbook - A well-known book for learning basic web exploitation.
- PortSwigger's Web Security Academy - Free online training center for web application security.
- OverTheWire's Natas - A series of challenges teaching the basics of server-side web security.
- Immersive Labs - New platform for learning web exploitation.
- CTF Challenge - a series of web application hacking challenges.
- websec.fr
- Tuts 4 You - A community dedicated to the sharing of knowledge and information on reverse engineering.
- Smashing The Stack For Fun And Profit - The first public paper on stack buffer overflow and one of the first public binary exploitation papers, it is really high quality and still relevant today.
- r/ReverseEngineering - A forum discussing topics in reverse engineering.
- tylerha97/awesome-reversing - A curated list of awesome reversing resources.
- wtsxDev/reverse-engineering - List of awesome reverse engineering resources, currently unmaintained so you should check the fork for updated links.
- onethawt/reverseengineering-reading-list - A list of Reverse Engineering articles, books, and papers.
- Binary Exploitation Notes - A collection of notes on binary exploitation and vulnerable binaries.
- muff-in/resources.md - Resources in Assembly Language / Reversing / Malware Analysis.
- ytisf/theZoo - A repository of live malwares for educational reasons.
- MalwareBazaar - A project from abuse.ch with the goal of sharing malware samples with the infosec community
- IDA Free - An interactive disassembler and debugger.
- Ghidra - An open source reverse engineering framework created by the NSA, containing a disassember and decompiler.
- radare2 - A UNIX portable reversing framework.
- JADX - Dex to Java decompiler producing Java source code from Android Dex and Apk files.
- Apktool - A tool for reverse engineering 3rd party, closed, binary Android apps.
- Cutter - Free and Open Source RE Platform powered by Rizin.
- ILSpy - An open-source .NET assembly browser and decompiler.
- Frida - Dynamic instrumentation toolkit for developers, reverse-engineers, and security researchers.
- pwn.college - A first-stage education platform for students to learn about, and practice, core cybersecurity concepts in a hands-on fashion.
- Nightmare - Intro to binary exploitation / reverse engineering course based around CTF challenges.
- Reverse Engineering For Everyone! - Courses on reversing ARM and Intel architectures.
- Reverse Engineering for Beginners - A beginner course to RE and hooking (with the very original name) created by Ophir Harpaz.
- Malwareunicorn - A site providing workshops and resources in reverse engineering.
- Binary Exploitation / Memory Corruption by LiveOverflow - A series of YouTube videos created by LiveOverFlow about binary exploitation. From beginner to advanced.
- CS6038/CS5138 Malware Analysis, UC - An introductory course to Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering from the department of EE and CS in the university of Cincinnati.
- CSCI 4968 Modern Binary Exploitation - Course Material for CSCI 4986 in Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
- CSCI 4976 Malware Analysis - Course Material for CSCI 4976 in Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
- Binary Analysis Course
- Azeria Labs - Tutorials on ARM assembly and exploitation.
- Fu11Shade's Windows Exploitation - A pathway for learning Windows exploit development.
- OpenSecurityTraining - Detailed course on cybersecurity and specifically reverse engineering and binary exploitation, version 2.0 is coming mid-2021.
- heap-exploitation - A short book for people who want to understand the internals of 'heap memory'.
- shellphish/how2heap - A repository for learning various heap exploitation techniques.
- Lena's Reversing for Newbies - A collection of tutorials aimed particularly for newbie reverse engineers.
- shell-storm - A blog by a security researcher about reversing.
- Corelan Cybersecurity Research - Site created by a team of security researchers, mostly on windows reversing and exploitation.
- Reverse Engineering For Beginners - An open-source e-book on reverse engineering, highly praised and used worldwide in universities to teach assembly and reverse engineering.
- Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering - This book provides readers with practical, in-depth techniques for software reverse engineering, a must-read for those who want to get to reverse engineering and binary exploitation.
- Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software - A book teaching you the tools and techniques used by professional malware analysts.
- Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition - An introduction to hacking, reversing and binary exploitation.
- The Shellcoder's Handbook: Discovering and Exploiting Security Holes, 2nd Edition - A book on finding security holes in any operating system or applications and exploiting them.
- The IDA Pro Book, 2nd Edition
- crackmes.one - A simple place where you can download crackmes to improve your reverse engineering skills.
- pwnable.kr - A non-commercial wargame site which provides various pwn challenges regarding system exploitation.
- pwnable.xyz - pwnables for beginners. Most of the challenges were created for an internal event for OpenToAll's team (a CTF team anyone can join).
- pwnable.tw- A wargame site for hackers to test and expand their binary exploiting skills.
- challenges.re - A set of challenges with a variety of levels and technologies created by the author of Reverse Engineering For Beginners.
- reversing.kr - A set of reversing challenges with decreasing difficulty, good for beginners.
- ReversingHero - Engineering self learning kit (x86_64 on linux) wrapped inside one binary file. It is made of 15 levels, with difficulty gradually increasing
- IO netgarage - One of the oldest and most popular wargame.
- The Flare-On Challenges - An archive of challenges from Flare-On events created by FireEye.
- Microcorruption - Challenges covering reversing of embedded devices.
- ROP Emporium - Learn return-oriented programming through a series of challenges designed to teach ROP techniques in isolation, with minimal reverse-engineering or bug hunting.
- Guided Hacking - Especially Beginner Guide here
- GameHackingAcademy
- Pwn Adventure
- mrT4ntr4/CTF-Game-Challenges
- dsasmblr/game-hacking
- MemLabs - An educational, introductory set of CTF-styled challenges which is aimed to encourage people to get started with the field of Memory Forensics.
- corkami/pics - corkami is a security researcher and illustrator, this repo contains his illustration of file formats specifications in a simple to understand manner.
- DFIR Diva - A blog on digital forensics and incident response, includes a great list of resources on this areas.
- AboutDFIR - A site for the DFIR community, with books, tutorials and guides on the subject.
- cugu/awesome-forensics
- The Art of Memory Forensics: Detecting Malware and Threats in Windows, Linux, and Mac Memory
- Malware Analyst's Cookbook and DVD
- The Theorist Gateway Toolbox - Slides describing techniques and tools for hiding and extracting information, the ARG itself is very good too.
- ae27ff - a set of levels including simple ciphers, steganography, different types of encodings, and familiarity with internet resources.
- Michael0x2a/curated-programming-resources - A curated list of resources for learning programming.
- The Odin Project - A site to learn web development free.
- Codecademy - A platform for learning programming languages.
- Corey Schafer's Python Course - A good python course for beginner and advanced coders
- FreeCodeCamp - A friendly community where you can learn to code for free, with courses on everything coding related, including cyber security.
- leetcode - A site to practice your coding skills with coding challenges.
- HackerRank - Similar to leetcode.
- Codewars - Improve your skills by training with others on real code challenges.
- Codesignal - Similar to the sites above, but focused more on interview practice.
- Project Euler - A series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems.
- enaqx/awesome-pentest - A collection of awesome penetration testing and offensive cybersecurity resources.
- Hack The Box - An online platform allowing you to test your penetration testing skills and exchange ideas and methodologies with thousands of people in the security field.
- HTB Academy - A new platform by Hack The Box for learning cybersecurity.
- TryHackMe - A free online platform for learning cyber security and pentesting, using hands-on exercises and labs, all through your browser.
- Root Me - Similar to TryHackMe and Hack The Box.
- VulnHub - Vulnerable By Design - A growing collection of vulnerable virtual machine to hack and practice on.
- Hack My VM - A new site similar to vulnhub with more gamification elements.
- Exploit Exercises - One of the most known exploitation challenges, mostly linux exploitation and binary exploitation.
- PentesterLab - Exercises in pentesting, with a lot of free ones.
- PentesterAcademy - Similar to PentesterLab, high quality but all the courses require membership.