
The NuGet Gallery

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION

NuGet Gallery — Where packages are found

This is an implementation of the NuGet Gallery and API. This serves as the back-end and community website for the NuGet client. For information about the NuGet project, visit the Home repository.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.

Build and Run the Gallery in (arbitrary number) easy steps

  1. Prerequisites:

    1. Visual Studio 2017 - Install the following Workloads:
      • ASP.NET and web development
      • Azure development
    2. PowerShell 4.0
  2. Clone it!

    PS C:\Code> git clone https://github.com/NuGet/NuGetGallery.git

  3. Build it!

    PS C:\Code> cd NuGetGallery
    PS C:\Code\NuGetGallery> .\build
  4. Set up the website!

    PS C:\Code\NuGetGallery> .\tools\Setup-DevEnvironment.ps1

  5. If you would like to configure your gallery instance to use MSA/AAD, please follow the steps listed here.

  6. Ensure the NugetGallery project is the StartUp Project and press F5 to run the site! That's it!

When working with the gallery, e-mail messages are saved to the file system (under ~/App_Data). You can use an SMTP server instead by editing src\NuGetGallery\Web.Config and adding a Gallery.SmtpUri setting. Its value should be an SMTP connection string, such as: smtp://user:password@smtpservername:25. You can also turn off e-email confirmations by changing the value of Gallery.ConfirmEmailAddresses to false in the src\NugetGallery\Web.Config file.

Visual Studio may modify the applicationhost.config file. You can force git to ignore changes to this file with:

git update-index --assume-unchanged .vs/config/applicationhost.config

You can undo this with this command:

git update-index --no-assume-unchanged .vs/config/applicationhost.config

This should help prevent unwanted file commits.


You will find instructions on how to deploy the Gallery to Azure here.


If you find a bug with the gallery, please visit the Issue tracker and create an issue. If you're feeling generous, please search to see if the issue is already logged before creating a new one.

When creating an issue, clearly explain

  • What you were trying to do.
  • What you expected to happen.
  • What actually happened.
  • Steps to reproduce the problem.

Also include any information you think is relevant to reproducing the problem such as the browser version you used. Does it happen when you switch browsers. And so on.

Submit a patch

Before starting work on an issue, either create an issue or comment on an existing issue to ensure that we're all communicating. We have a list of items that are up for grabs and you can start working on (but always ping us beforehand).

To contribute to the gallery, make sure to create a fork first. Make your changes in the fork following the Git Workflow. When you are done with your changes, send us a pull request.

Copyright and License

Copyright .NET Foundation

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this work except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at:


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

The Git Workflow

This is the Git workflow we're currently using:

Setting up

Clone and checkout the dev branch.

When starting a new feature/unit of work.

  1. Pull the latest. Begin by pulling to make sure you are up-to-date before creating a branch to do your work This assumes you have no local commits that haven't yet been pushed (i.e., that you were previously up-to-date with origin).

    git checkout dev
    git pull dev
  2. Create a topic branch to do your work. You must work in topic branches to help us keep our features isolated and easily moved between branches. Our policy is to start all topic branches off of the 'dev' branch. Branch names should use the following format '[user]-[bugnumber]'. If there is no bug yet, create one and assign it to yourself!

    git checkout dev
    git checkout -b anurse-123
  3. Do your work. Now, do your work using the following highly accurate and efficient algorithm :)

    1. Make changes.

    2. Test your changes (you're practicing TDD, right?)

    3. Add your changes to git's index.

       git add -A
    4. Commit your changes.

       git commit -m "<description of work>"
    5. if (moreWorkToDo) go to #3.1 else go to #4.

  4. Start a code review. Start a code review by pushing your branch up to GitHub (git push origin anurse-123) and creating a Pull Request from your branch to dev. Wait for at least someone on the team to respond with: ":shipit:" (that's called the "Ship-It Squirrel" and you can put it in your own comments by typing :shipit:).

  5. Merge your changes in to dev. Click the bright green "Merge" button on your pull request! Don't forget to delete the branch afterwards to keep our repo clean.

    If there isn't a bright green button... well, you'll have to do some more complicated merging:

    git checkout dev
    git pull origin dev
    git merge anurse-123
    ... resolve conflicts ...
    git push origin dev
  6. Be ready to guide your change through QA, Staging and Prod Your change will make its way through the QA, Staging and finally Prod branches as it's deployed to the various environments. Be prepared to fix additional bugs!