
DXGI wrapper to prevent refresh rate changes

Primary LanguageC++

Sekiro Refresh Rate Fix

Sekiro forces the monitors refresh rate to 60 Hz when running in full-screen. This makes simple frame-rate unlocks useless, unless you run Sekiro in window mode. These interceptor DLLs prevent changes to the refresh rate.

Elden Ring

Apparently this also works for Elden Ring - do note that Elden Ring supports online multiplayer and anti-cheat. So, be sure to only use the DLLs when playing offline with anti-cheat disabled. However, the DLLs are actually not needed if you are using Flawless Widescreen. Their plugin takes care of the FPS lock.

Install Pre-compiled

  • Grab dlls.zip from the latest release
  • Extract and place d3d11.dll and dxgi.dll inside Sekiro install directory (e.g. F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Sekiro).

Build It Yourself


  • Visual Studio with C++ compiler
  • DirectX SDK
  • CMake


  • Grab sources from Github
  • Open Visual Studio x64 native command prompt and navigate to sources
  • Run cmake.exe -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -B build
  • Run cmake.exe --build build --config Release
  • DLLs are located in build/Release