A BASH library with useful functions. There is also a bin directory with useful scripts. Copyright: 2013 - 2014 by Cecil Westerhof Contact: bash@decebal.nl There is a LinkedIn group where this library is discussed: http://tinyurl.com/BASHScripting
At the moment the functions are not very well documented. Generating some useful functions has a higher priority. Most functions are easy to understand, but when there is a function that would benefit greatly from better documentation: let me know.
If you would like to see a certain function: let me know.
To install the library on your system run install.sh. Use ‘source /usr/local/bash/BASHInitialisation.sh’ (in .bashrc) to initialise the library. To use the scripts add /usr/local/bash/bin to your PATH.
The files contain the following functions:
In BASHInitialisation.sh:
- addToPath
- calc
- canRun
- chall
- cdll
- checkNetworkInterface
- checkReadOnlyVariables
- cleanPath
- commandExists
- convertInput
- default_PS_OPTIONS
- elementInList
- fatal
- filterCommand
- getCPUTemperature
- getIPs
- getOptionValue
- getPathDirs
- isInteractive
- isVarSet
- loadXmodmapExtra
- logDRY
- logError
- logMsg
- psCommand
- psGrep
- psPid
- psPpid
- psStatus
- psUser
- removeFromPath
- screent
- showMessage
- stackTrace
- stripLeadingZeros
- taggedMsg
- valueInArray
- variableExist In interactive mode also:
- +=
- -=
- ==
In disk.sh:
- changedToday
- diskFree
- diskUsage
- doUnzip
- getDirTree
- getFunctionsFromFile
- includeFile
- isReadableFile
- localFind
- pushdCheck
- removeSpacesFromFileNames
- removeSpecialCharsFromFileName
- sizeOfFolder
In random.sh:
- getRandom
- getRandomInRange
- getUUID
In systemd.sh:
- checkJournal
- illegalLogin
- showJournalctl
In time.sh:
- getSeconds
The bin directory contains:
- clojure
- installGuestAdditions.sh
- swapUsage.sh: with links to
- memUsage.sh
- memUsageProgram.sh
- programsUsingMem.sh
- programsUsingSwap.sh
- swapUsageProgram.sh