
An efficient and customizable weather alert system for Asterisk/app_rpt, utilizing the NWS CAP v1.2 API.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


SkywarnPlus is an optimized, powerful weather alert system designed for Asterisk/app_rpt repeater controller systems such as AllStarLink and HAMVOIP. It's written in Python and utilizes the new NWS CAP v1.2 JSON API. SkywarnPlus is optimized to be resource-efficient and offers customization options to suit various user needs.


  • Human Speech Alerts: Provides a library of recorded human speech for clearer, more understandable alerts.
  • Performance: Designed for minimal impact on internet bandwidth and storage, reducing unnecessary I/O operations.
  • Alert Coverage: Allows specifying multiple counties or zones for alerts, ensuring broad coverage.
  • Alert Filtering: Provides advanced options to block or filter alerts using regular expressions and wildcards.
  • Courtesy Tone Changes: Changes repeater courtesy tones based on active alerts.
  • Duplicate Alert Removal: Ensures you receive unique and relevant alerts by automatically removing duplicates.
  • Selective Broadcasting: Broadcasts alerts on weather conditions' onset or dissipation.
  • Tailmessage Management: Provides unobtrusive alerting if alert broadcasting is disabled.
  • Pushover Integration: Sends alerts and debug messages directly to your phone.
  • Multiple Local Nodes: Supports alert distribution to as many local node numbers as desired.

How It Works

SkywarnPlus is a Python-based weather alert system for Asterisk/app_rpt repeater controller systems, leveraging the National Weather Service's (NWS) CAP v1.2 JSON API. The system follows several key steps to deliver timely and accurate weather alerts:

  1. Data Fetching: The system performs regular API calls to the NWS CAP v1.2 API, which provides comprehensive, real-time data on the latest weather conditions and alerts. The frequency of these calls can be adjusted according to user needs.

  2. Data Parsing: Upon receiving the API response, SkywarnPlus parses the JSON data to extract the information pertinent to weather alerts. This involves reading the structured JSON data and converting it into an internal format for further processing.

  3. Data Filtering: The extracted data is then filtered based on user-defined criteria set in the configuration file. This includes narrowing down the information to specific counties or zones of interest, as well as excluding certain types of alerts. The filtering mechanism supports regular expressions and wildcards for more sophisticated filtering rules.

  4. Alert Management: SkywarnPlus manages the filtered alerts intelligently, ensuring that each alert is unique and relevant. Duplicate alerts are automatically removed from the pool of active alerts to prevent repetition and alert fatigue.

  5. Alert Broadcasting: The system then broadcasts the alerts according to user-defined settings. You can customize these settings to broadcast alerts when new weather conditions are detected or when existing conditions dissipate. This ensures timely communication of weather changes.

  6. Tailmessage and Courtesy Tones: In addition to broadcasting alerts, SkywarnPlus also automatically updates tailmessages and changes the repeater courtesy tones when specific alerts are active. These changes add a level of customization and context-awareness to the alert system and can be tailored to individual preferences.

  7. Pushover Integration: SkywarnPlus integrates with Pushover, a mobile notification service, to send alerts and debug messages directly to your phone. This provides a direct and immediate communication channel, keeping you constantly updated on the latest weather conditions.

  8. Real Human Speech: To enhance clarity and improve user experience, SkywarnPlus uses a library of real female human speech recordings for alerts. This creates a more natural listening experience compared to synthetic speech and aids in clear communication of alert messages.

  9. Maintenance and Resource Management: Designed with efficiency in mind, SkywarnPlus minimizes its impact on internet bandwidth and physical storage. The system conducts its operations mindful of resource usage, making it particularly suitable for devices with limited resources, such as Raspberry Pi.

This combination of steps ensures SkywarnPlus provides reliable, timely, and accurate weather alerts, while respecting your system's resources and providing extensive customization options.


SkywarnPlus is recommended to be installed at the /usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus location on a Debian machine.

Follow the steps below to install:

  1. Dependencies

Install the required dependencies using the following commands:


apt install python3-pip ffmpeg
pip3 install requests python-dateutil pydub


sudo pacman -S python python-pip ffmpeg
pip install requests python-dateutil pydub
  1. Clone the Repository

Clone the SkywarnPlus repository from GitHub to the /usr/local/bin directory:

cd /usr/local/bin
git clone https://github.com/mason10198/SkywarnPlus.git
  1. Configure CONTROL.sh Permissions

The CONTROL.sh script must be made executable. Use the chmod command to change the file permissions:

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/CONTROL.sh
  1. Edit Configuration

Edit the configuration file to suit your system:

sudo nano SkywarnPlus/config.ini
  1. Crontab Entry

Add a crontab entry to call SkywarnPlus on an interval. Open your crontab file using the crontab -e command, and add the following line:

* * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/SkywarnPlus.py

This command will execute SkywarnPlus every minute.


Update parameters in the config.ini file according to your preferences.

Remember you can also use CONTROL.sh to conveniently change specific key-value pairs in the config file from the command line. For example: ./CONTROL.sh sayalert false would set 'SayAlert' to 'False'.

Tailmessage and Courtesy Tones

SkywarnPlus offers functionalities such as Tailmessage management and Automatic Courtesy Tones, which require specific configurations in the rpt.conf file.


Tailmessage functionality requires the rpt.conf to be properly set up. Here's an example:

tailmessagetime = 600000
tailsquashedtime = 30000
tailmessagelist = /usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/SOUNDS/WX-TAIL

Automatic Courtesy Tones

SkywarnPlus can automatically change the repeater courtesy tone whenever certain weather alerts are active. The configuration for this is based on your rpt.conf file setup. Here's an example:

unlinkedct = ct1
remotect = ct1
linkunkeyct = ct2
ct1 = /usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/SOUNDS/TONES/CT-LOCAL
ct2 = /usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/SOUNDS/TONES/CT-LINK
remotetx = /usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/SOUNDS/TONES/CT-LOCAL

Control Script

SkywarnPlus comes with a powerful control script (CONTROL.sh) that can be used to enable or disable certain SkywarnPlus functions. This script is particularly useful when you want to map DTMF control codes to these functions.


To use the CONTROL.sh script, you need to call it with two parameters:

  1. The name of the setting you want to change (case insensitive).
  2. The new value for the setting (either 'true' or 'false').

For example, to enable the SayAlert function, you would use:

/usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/CONTROL.sh SayAlert true

And to disable it, you would use:

/usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/CONTROL.sh SayAlert false

Mapping to DTMF Control Codes

You can map the CONTROL.sh script to DTMF control codes in the rpt.conf file of your AllStar node. Here is an example of how to do this:

901 = cmd,/usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/CONTROL.sh enable true ; Enables SkywarnPlus
902 = cmd,/usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/CONTROL.sh enable false ; Disables SkywarnPlus
903 = cmd,/usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/CONTROL.sh sayalert true ; Enables SayAlert
904 = cmd,/usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/CONTROL.sh sayalert false ; Disables SayAlert
905 = cmd,/usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/CONTROL.sh sayallclear true ; Enables SayAllClear
906 = cmd,/usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/CONTROL.sh sayallclear false ; Disables SayAllClear
907 = cmd,/usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/CONTROL.sh tailmessage true ; Enables TailMessage
908 = cmd,/usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/CONTROL.sh tailmessage false ; Disables TailMessage
909 = cmd,/usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/CONTROL.sh courtesytone true ; Enables CourtesyTone
910 = cmd,/usr/local/bin/SkywarnPlus/CONTROL.sh courtesytone false ; Disables CourtesyTone

With this setup, you can control SkywarnPlus' functionality using DTMF commands from your node.


Debugging is an essential part of diagnosing issues with SkywarnPlus. To facilitate this, SkywarnPlus provides a built-in debugging feature. Here's how to use it:

  1. Enable Debugging: The debugging feature can be enabled in the config.ini file. Open this file and set the debug option under the [SkywarnPlus] section to true.
; Logging Options
; Enable more verbose logging
; Either True or False
Debug = False

This will allow the program to output detailed information about its operations, which is helpful for identifying any issues or errors.

  1. Open an Asterisk Console: While debugging SkywarnPlus, it's helpful to have an Asterisk console open in a separate terminal window. This allows you to observe any issues related to Asterisk, such as problems playing audio files.

You can open an Asterisk console with the following command:

asterisk -rvvv

This command will launch an Asterisk console with a verbose output level of 3 (vvv), which provides a detailed look at what Asterisk is doing. This can be particularly useful if you're trying to debug issues with audio playback.

  1. Analyze Debugging Output: With debugging enabled in SkywarnPlus and the Asterisk console open, you can now run SkywarnPlus and observe the detailed output in both terminals. This information can be used to identify and troubleshoot any issues or unexpected behaviors.

Remember, the more detailed your debug output is, the easier it will be to spot any issues. However, please be aware that enabling debug mode can result in large amounts of output, so it should be used judiciously.

If you encounter any issues that you're unable to resolve, please don't hesitate to submit a detailed bug report on the SkywarnPlus GitHub Repository.

Maintenance and Bug Reporting

SkywarnPlus is actively maintained by a single individual who dedicates their spare time to improve and manage this project. Despite best efforts, the application may have some bugs or areas for improvement.

If you encounter any issues with SkywarnPlus, please check back to the SkywarnPlus GitHub Repository to see if there have been any updates or fixes since the last time you downloaded it. New commits are made regularly to enhance the system's performance and rectify any known issues.

Bug reporting is greatly appreciated as it helps to improve SkywarnPlus. If you spot a bug, please raise an issue in the GitHub repository detailing the problem. Include as much information as possible, such as error messages, screenshots, and steps to reproduce the issue. This will assist in quickly understanding and resolving the issue.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance in making SkywarnPlus a more robust and reliable system for all.


SkywarnPlus is open-source and welcomes contributions. If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a feature branch. Pull requests are warmly welcome.


SkywarnPlus is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.