This repository provides F* meta-programs that transpile on the fly F* terms to javascript terms, using the F* normalizer.
I've tested it for a few programs, that works fairly nicely!
- Sourcemaps
- this is almost done already
- JS effect to interact with JS's world
- DOM modelization
- Adapt F* TODO webapp so that it works with this repo
- add
build - attribute for replacing a toplevel bya custom JS expression
For instance the following module transpiles main
and write it to the file example.js
module Example
open FStar.Tactics
open FStar.List.Tot
open JS
open JS.Ast
open JS.Ast.DSL
let rec factorial (n:nat) =
let open FStar.Mul in
if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1))
let rec fibonacci n =
if n <= 1 then 1 else fibonacci (n - 1) + fibonacci (n - 2)
let main n =
[ ("fibonacci(" ^ string_of_int n ^ ") => " ^ string_of_int (fibonacci n))
; ("factorial(" ^ string_of_int n ^ ") => " ^ string_of_int (factorial n))
let _ = run_tactic (fun _ ->
term_to_js_files "example"
(fun e -> console_log (e @@@ [EConst (CInt 5)])) // `e => console.log(e(5))`
Running fstar.exe --unsafe_tactic_exec Example.fst
and then node example.js
gives the following output:
Prims_Cons {
a: 'Type:STRING',
hd: 'fibonacci5 => 8',
tl: Prims_Cons {
a: 'Type:STRING',
hd: 'factorial5 => 120',
tl: Prims_Nil { a: 'Type:STRING' }