
Transpile F* terms to javascript on the fly during typechecking

Primary LanguageF*


This repository provides F* meta-programs that transpile on the fly F* terms to javascript terms, using the F* normalizer.


I've tested it for a few programs, that works fairly nicely!

  • Sourcemaps
    • this is almost done already
  • JS FFI
    • JS effect to interact with JS's world
    • DOM modelization
    • Adapt F* TODO webapp so that it works with this repo
  • add nix build
  • attribute for replacing a toplevel bya custom JS expression


For instance the following module transpiles main and write it to the file example.js:

module Example

open FStar.Tactics
open FStar.List.Tot
open JS
open JS.Ast
open JS.Ast.DSL

let rec factorial (n:nat) = 
  let open FStar.Mul in
  if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1))

let rec fibonacci n =
  if n <= 1 then 1 else fibonacci (n - 1) + fibonacci (n - 2)

let main n = 
  [ ("fibonacci(" ^ string_of_int n ^ ") => " ^ string_of_int (fibonacci n))
  ; ("factorial(" ^ string_of_int n ^ ") => " ^ string_of_int (factorial n))

let _ = run_tactic (fun _ -> 
  term_to_js_files "example"
                   (fun e -> console_log (e @@@ [EConst (CInt 5)])) // `e => console.log(e(5))`

Running fstar.exe --unsafe_tactic_exec Example.fst and then node example.js gives the following output:

Prims_Cons {
  a: 'Type:STRING',
  hd: 'fibonacci5 => 8',
  tl: Prims_Cons {
    a: 'Type:STRING',
    hd: 'factorial5 => 120',
    tl: Prims_Nil { a: 'Type:STRING' }