- 1
Max_length issue
#78 opened - 1
account activation status
#76 opened - 1
- 1
Doctor profile default values
#69 opened - 1
ratings/reviews issue
#68 opened - 1
Footer in all templates
#67 opened - 1
Doctors list in hospital profile
#64 opened - 1
Default profile photos
#60 opened - 1
user friendly Doc. Reg
#57 opened - 1
- 1
Add hospital registeration number
#55 opened - 1
division by 0
#53 opened - 1
- 1
Come up with a website logo guys
#51 opened - 1
- 3
Change the default state
#49 opened - 2
Readable Code for Evaluation
#45 opened - 2
Show password button at signin page
#44 opened - 1
Home Button
#43 opened - 2
- 3
Sign in button
#39 opened - 1
View profile button
#37 opened