UT Buddy is an utilities Super App that allows a user to access several services from one single web application. It is also an integrated utility tracker for appliances at home that includes bill payments and live-tracking of the appliances. Currently, there is shortage of integrated utility apps and users will need to pay utility bills separately which can be a huge hassle. Moreover, the utilities bill only comes once a month, and users do not have the visibility over their consumption rate, which makes tracking of the bills difficult.

UT buddy is therefore established to over the existing limitations, by offering different functionalities integrated seamlessly under 1 application. UT Buddy aims to offer the user greater visibility over their consumption behaviour, and we believe that with greater oversights of their consumption habit, UT buddy can encourage the users to be more mindful of their consumption behaviour and help the users save on their utilities. UT Buddy consists of 4 main pages, namely the Dashboard Page, Bills Page, Community Page, Live-Tracking Page and Profile Page

Dashboard Page

Under this page users are able to view and detailed breakdown of their utilities bill under the Dashboard Page, based on the type of the utility (eg : water, electricity, and gas) and the appliances that are being associated. The users are able to view their historical bill charges under the bar chart and the respective breakdown of the different appliances under the pie chart .

Bills Page

The Bills Page allows users to pay their utility bills within the application. The users will be redirected to a secured payment terminal to complete their payment. Once the user complete the payment, the payment status will be reflected on the Bills Page.

Community Page

The Community Page simulate a social-media discussion forum Through the Community Page Users are able to engage and exchange ideas and with other users and share tips on how they save their utilities. Users will also be able to view the profile of the user under the Community Page

Live-Tracking Page

The Live Tracking Page serves to help users to gain a better visualisation of their household consumption and their consumption behaviour of the utilities throughout the day. It consists of detailed breakdown of all 3 utilities and the respective appliances. With that, the users are able to gain a better understanding of which appliance consume the most utilities and etc

Profile Page

The Profile Page allows user to update their Profile Picture and their personal details. Users will also be able to update their utilities-saving tips that they would like to share with other users


Clone our repository or download the zip file.

git clone https://github.com/WADII-G4T4/utbuddy_frontend_deploy.git

Go to the folder of the files in your local and use the package manager npm to install UT Buddy.

npm install 

Running the Application

npm run serve