###A collection of Xamarin Forms samples - these are generally written to explore a concept or by request to demonstrate a technique.
Feel free to file an issue (or better yet, a pull request) if you'd like to see anything added or updated.
AsyncWork - an example of using async/await to avoid blocking the UI thread
DrumPad - cross-platform wave playback with audio located in the PCL, also uses Xamarin.Forms animations
FormStyles - uses application level styles to apply color schemes - written for Vancouver DevDays 2015
FormsMaps - a simple example of using Xamarin.Forms maps
GridHeader - a simple example showing a fixed label as a header above a grid within a scrollview
ListViewScrollTo - a simple example of programmatically scrolling to a specific cell in a ListView
Localization - a quick example of how to store and access localized strings in a PCL
Navigation - examples of Carousel, Stack and Tab navigation with a details screen using colors as content (I needed screenshots)
ValueConverter - an example for a friend on how to use a value converter
WebViewLocalContent - how to use shared html content cross-platform, the example shows content in the About screen