WAPP - Water App API 💧

Hydration Life Coach

A web app that helps you track, calculate, schedule, and manage when to hydrate. Test it out at 👉 https://wapp-water.herokuapp.com/.



  1. Installation: No installation needed. This is a backend API
  2. To clone: clone to local repo, install dependencies with npm i, and make your .env file look like:
CLIENT_ID=<google client_id>
CLIENT_SECRET=<google client secret>
REDIRECT_URI=<google redirect uri>
MONGO_URI=<connection to mongodb>


  • axios
  • body-parser
  • cors
  • cron
  • dotenv
  • express
  • google-auth-library
  • googleapis
  • jsonwebtoken
  • mongoose
  • node
  • qs


Model Setup 🧱

Our web app interacts with a single User. Although relational data is minimal, to procedurally store, send, and update data for the concept of a single day, we needed to create two tables and document types that process different data points for a user in different ways.

The User model contains documents that each pertain to a unique user of the app. This document keeps basic info such as their google authentication data and their individual settings.

const userSchema = new Schema({
    google_id: String,
    access_token: String,

In order to keep our concept of "data by the day", we needed a way to dynamically store and lookup data by date, which would not have flowed easily if we had attempted to nest it within the User model. The Data model solves that issue by creating a new daily data document for each User each day.

const dataSchema = new Schema({
    google_id: String,
    date: Date,
    progress: Number,

Google Oauth

Like most oauth flows, Google Oauth will allow users to sign in with their google account. For Wapp, we only needed basic profile information, so no further scopes were needed. And as usual, once a user authorizes they are sent back with a code which we then use to make a call to Google's API in order to receive their access token, refresh token...etc.

// require the token
const { tokens } = await oauth2Client
    .catch(() => null);

  // get the user data
  const userInfo = await axios
    .catch(() => null);


Validation on routes is currently limited to ensuring that a user is logged into the app when any API calls from the app are made. We do this by requiring a unique header called x-wapp-user which passes their unique googleID back to us each time a call to a protected API route is made. Without the header, we will not send back any data.

async function validate(req, res, next) {
  // check the headers to see if they have a user session id

  const userGID = req.headers['x-wapp-user'];
  // if valid, find them in the db based on their google id
  if (userGID) {

Profile & Data Endpoints

The API endpoints for getting user profile and user data information are all contained within the data and profile routes. These are basic get, put, post, delete routes that retrive and update a user's data and settings in the database.

router.use('/profile', validate, require('./profile'));
router.use('/data', validate, require('./data'));