
Translates a SPARQL query into a string that a user can interpret

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Note: This repository is now mantained by QAnswer, it can be found here.


SPARQLtoUser is a web service that translates a SPARQL query into a representation that is thought for end users. For example the SPARQL query over wikidata:

WHERE {   
  <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q20034> <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/P527> ?x .  
} limit 1000  

is transformed into:

has part / lasagne (flat rectangle-shaped pasta...) 

Or the query

  ?x ?p1 <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q38222> .  
  ?x ?p2 <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q11424> .  
} limit 1000 

is transormed into:

characters, executive producer, screenwriter, director, producer / George Lucas (American film producer) 
instance of / film (sequence of images that giv...) 

i.e. the properties are expanded.

To start

Tu run the package do:

mvn clean package
java -jar target/SparqlToUser-0.1.jar

The service will then be available under localhost:1920/sparqltouser. Or check out our online available webservice at: https://wdaqua-sparqltouser.univ-st-etienne.fr/sparqltouser


GET or POST with parameters:

  • sparql : the SPARQL query you want to translate
  • lang : the language you would like to translate
  • kb: the kb for which the SPARQL is written (dbpedia, wikidata, musicbrainz and dblp are supported)


curl --data-urlencode "sparql=SELECT DISTINCT ?x WHERE {   <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q20034> <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/P527> ?x . } limit 1000" --data-urlencode "lang=en" --data-urlencode "kb=wikidata" https://wdaqua-sparqltouser.univ-st-etienne.fr/sparqltouser


{"sparql":"SELECT DISTINCT ?x WHERE {   <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q20034> <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/P527> ?x . } limit 1000","lang":"en","kb":"wikidata","interpretation":"has part / lasagne (flat rectangle-shaped pasta...) "}

Dig into the code

The code is entirely written in Java. We use mainly the Jena Apache Library (https://jena.apache.org/documentation/query/) and Spring (https://spring.io/guides/gs/rest-service/)

Note: This repository is now mantained by QAnswer, it can be found here.

Made with ♥ by Youssef Dridi and Dennis Diefenbach (www.wdaqua.eu)