
Create a client for your DIY API Mongoose deliverable.

Getting Started

  • fork and clone this repo
  • run npx create-react-app . to spin up a new react app
  • get crackin!

Steps to achieve

The best place ot start is by planning out the app you will be making. What routes are serving data that you can consume? What React features will you need to implement? What kind of user experience would you like to create?

Begin by making wireframes and a component diagram

Keep in ming the user expirence while planning. User stories can help turn a user's experience into actionable items.

Plan out for your app:

  • wireframes for every user view
  • a component diagram that is informed by your wireframes and user experience
  • the routes you will need on the front end

Implement your design!

  • Create the components you will need and the skeleton of the app
  • After getting the scaffolding ready, implement your components one by one

Keep in mind:

  • you need your server running to deliver data to your react app
  • you will ned to touch a .env.local and put your server's url in is as REACT_APP_ < variable name >
    • the format for your dev server's url should be http://localhost: < the port express in running on >
    • use process.env.REACT_APP_ < variable name > to access your server's url in your react app
  • there is no right or wrong way to complete this assignment, have fun and experiment!