
Exercises on JavaScript variables, data structures, and Array/String functions [javascript]


JavaScript Arrays


  • arrays, array methods (not including iterators)
  • strings, (string methods)

Getting Started

If this is assigned as a lab, you can skip this part! Just do it in a repl.it

  • Fork and clone this repository
  • Create a file in the js subdirectory named pizza.js
  • Write your solution in that file
  • Run the file by typing node js/pizza.js


1.) Find the last name in the following array:

var friends = [

2.) Sort the list of friends above in alphabetical order.

3.) There is a list of names in a string below. How could we sort them alphabetically? Hint: use string and array methods.

var friends = 'Moe,Larry,Curly,Jane,Emma,Elizabeth,Elinor,Mary,Darcy,Grey,Lydia,Harriet';

4.) List all the friends above in reverse alphabetical order.

5.) We have two lists of friends below. Combine the two arrays into one array, then sort them alphabetically.

var myFriends = [

var yourFriends = [

6.) I have a list of favorite foods below. If Popcorn is my favorite food and Potato chips my second favorite, then how would you find the rank of another food? Try finding the rank of Pho.

var foods = [
  'Potato chips',
  'Chicken rice',
  'French Toast',
  'Ice cream',

7.) I made a mistake with my favorite foods. How can I find the index of Donuts and remove it? (Hint: look up splice)

8.) My friends want to know what my 5th to 10th favorite foods are. How would I find these foods?

9.) Change the word "Space" to the word "Spice".

var word = "Space";

10.) BONUS - Here are a list of ages

var ages = [83, 53, 37, 29, 60, 30, 66, 19, 59, 41, 9, 64, 19, 80, 24, 53, 70, 1, 53, 40, 92, 4, 71, 65, 8, 2, 51, 80, 94, 37, 80, 64, 19, 6, 14];

find the median age. The median is the number that is halfway into the sorted set. To remember the definition of a median, just think of the median of a road, which is the middlemost part of the road.


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