
practicing forms and js DOM by creating a todo list app


GA Logo HTML Form and DOM Practice

Getting started

We are going to be making a todo list app to practice using HTML forms 🚀

  • fork and clone this repo
  • cd into js-dom-form-todo-list
  • create an html file and js file, make sure that they are populated and linked up before you get started


Here is what the app will look like:

Todo App

Our app will require:

  • two unordered lists, one for todos and one for finished todos
  • a form to submit a new todo
  • a button to clear the lists completely (it will clear both finished and unfinished todos)

When the user submits the form with text in it, that text will appear as a todo in the list:

With todos

Each Todo should have a button that when clicked, will move the todo to the finished todo list like so:

With Finished

Finally, when the clear button is clicked, both lists should be emptied out:

Todo App


  • break this down into smaller problems
    • first just display a skeleton of html
    • next, make sure your form is submitting with a console.log
    • then add some text to the page from the user input in the form
    • once that is finished, add buttons to each todo as they are made
  • wireframing can help plan out the html elements you will need


  1. All content is licensed under a CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
  2. All software code is licensed under GNU GPLv3. For commercial use or alternative licensing, please contact legal@ga.co.