This is an experimental project, a sample/demonstration, of using perlin noise in layers to create procedural map generation data.
I've started by creating a basic UI to adjust the scale and offset of a perlin layer, there are 3 hard coded layers and currently you cannot add or remove layers. There is a dropdown to select each layer to manipulate it. There are also options to link the x and y offsets, as well as to Band and Outline the map.
(BAND) My term for creating a contour map of the combined perlin data.
(OUTLINE) Pretty self explanatory, outlines the various banded regions. Note: Doesnt work correctly unless banding is enabled, need to fix in the UI so its not available independently.
The idea here is this is going to create a heightmap, the outline will represend cliffs for example, each shade representing a generalized terrain height. This project started during the Kenny Game Jam which was about using only Kenny assets, the project evolved and grew beyond its intended scope.