
This script allows you to rob any Stop Sign around the map

Primary LanguageLua


This script allows you to rob any stop sign around the map, it it's set up with bt-target. You can easily add more props within the script. You will have to make animations in dpemotes and add the item to you qb-core also make the item use an animation within qb-smallresources/client/consumables.lua and server/consumables.lua Here's an exampe of what I did in those

--client/consumables.lua-- RegisterNetEvent("consumables:client:stopsign") AddEventHandler("consumables:client:stopsign", function(itemName) TriggerEvent('animations:client:EmoteCommandStart', {"stopsign"}) end)

--server/consumables.lua-- QBCore.Functions.CreateUseableItem("stopsign", function(source, item) local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source) TriggerClientEvent("consumables:client:stopsign", source, item.name) end)

Here's my example of the animation ["stopsign"] = {"amb@world_human_janitor@male@base", "base", "static", "Stop Sign", AnimationOptions = { Prop = "prop_sign_road_01a", PropBone = 57005, PropPlacement = {0.10, -1.0, 0.0, -90.0, -250.0, 0.0}, EmoteLoop = true, EmoteMoving = true, }},

Here's and example for my bt-target ["StopSign"] = { models = { prop_sign_road_01a }, options = { { type = "client", event = "stopsign:client:Target", icon = "fas fa-user-secret", label = "STEAL SIGN", }, }, distance = 2.0 }, This was made by Obtaizen with the help of BerkieBb and pushkart2