- 3
[inplace_function.h] Copyright holder
#174 opened by daichifukui - 5
- 6
[slot_map] partition and underlying_swap
#131 opened by p-groarke - 0
sg14::span_ring: class template argument deduction
#173 opened by peterlauro - 5
[inplace_function] usage at shared library boundaries
#170 opened by kamrann - 7
- 0
Provide CMake & Conan installation support
#167 opened by liarokapisv - 1
slot_map: custom key causing clang to seg fault.
#169 opened by k-sheridan - 2
`sg14::ring_span`: clear () member function gone awol
#165 opened by degski - 6
volatile inplace_function fails to compile
#162 opened by pthorn - 4
- 1
License is missing on some includes
#163 opened by AndWass - 5
[slot_map] Can you get a key using an iterator?
#141 opened by p-groarke - 12
[slot_map] R1/R2 criticisms
#147 opened by p-groarke - 1
[inplace_function] Should [](){return 42;} be convertible to inplace_function<void()>?
#150 opened by Quuxplusone - 5
[inplace_function] Ambiguous overloads.
#149 opened by p-groarke - 1
- 4
[inplace function] Problems assigning if my starting point is empty/nullptr
#156 opened by phillipjohnston - 2
[inplace_function] make it usable without exceptions
#152 opened by AndWass - 1
- 1
[slot_map] constructors
#134 opened by p-groarke - 21
Switch to a real unit-test framework
#96 opened by TBBle - 6
- 4
[inplace_function] benchmark
#139 opened by user706 - 1
CMake errors
#76 opened by carlcook - 10
Declaration ring_iterator friend operator+=()
#90 opened by martinmoene - 1
Build fails (on gcc 5.4)
#77 opened by carlcook - 4
- 0
[Question] inplace_function conan package?
#126 opened by p-groarke - 2
non thread-safe shared_ptr
#59 opened by onqtam - 5
- 0
- 2
- 1
Can we infer the size of inplace_function via declspec, meaning users don't have to specify this?
#115 opened by carlcook - 4
inplace_function copy-assignment fails
#111 opened by Quuxplusone - 3
- 1
- 0
Add ring_span::[const_]reverse_iterator ?
#100 opened by martinmoene - 6
- 1
Add missing member difference_type ring_iterator<R,C>::operator-(ring_iterator<R,C>... it)
#93 opened by martinmoene - 1
Fix ring_iterator<>::operator>=()
#101 opened by martinmoene - 1
- 1
- 4
Improve memory algorithms with type traits
#57 opened by Morwenn - 1
- 1
Stray VS2015 Intellisense database in repository
#92 opened by TBBle - 2
Please make me a WG21-SG14 organisation owner
#84 opened by TBBle - 0
Linker errors when using cmake
#78 opened by carlcook - 3
Difficulty accessing SG14 from the web
#50 opened by johnmcfarlane - 3