
Fix the code only using javascript so that we can see Hello World

Primary LanguageHTML


  1. Make Hello World appear on the webpage. There is some existing code but it needs work.
  2. Play the included bling sound when the user clicks on Hello World
  3. If that was easy, then add some more visual bling to the page when the sound plays

Look in the docs folder for a screenshot of the final layout.

Implement this challenge by modifing the main.js file. You should not have to modify index.html or main.css nor add any libraries.

Your page should render correctly on a phone or desktop browser.

Feel free to consult anyone or use the internet for solutions. However, be ready to explain your approach and your code.

It would be best if you could provide a single url to the page. You can use https://pages.github.com/ but really any hosting solution is fine. Please also send me the link to your git repo.

Good luck!


  1. there are issues with the css. for some reason the words do not appear?
  2. there are issues with the code. the loop is really sloppy, hhhhhm.
  3. there's a sound on the page. you just need to listen for it. it's one click away.