Liqa, DAS: Error in optim(start, fn.opt, method = method, control = control) : non-finite value supplied by optim

Closed this issue · 2 comments

sigusn commented


I´m running the demo data you supply. with this command line
liqa -task diff -condition_1 list1 -condition_2 list2 -out das_detection_results
I get the following output
DAS testing: Gene ATP5PF being processed...Error in optim(start, fn.opt, method = method, control = control) :
initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite
DAS testing: Gene IL10RB being processed...Error in optim(start, fn.opt, method = method, control = control) :
non-finite value supplied by optim
DAS testing: Gene S100B being processed...Done!
DAS testing: Gene OLIG1 being processed...Done!
DAS testing: Gene SOD1 being processed...Done!
DAS testing: Gene IFNAR1 being processed...Done!
DAS testing: Gene DSCAM-AS1 being processed...Done!
DAS testing: Gene GABPA being processed...Done!

When opening the das_detection_results file the two genes with error are missing. Same thing happens when I´m running our own data.
What does this "error in optim" mean and what can be done to resolve it?


Basically to generate more reliable detection results, optim function removes genes with expressions that failed in fitting the beta regression model. Let me check the quantification output. Thanks

sigusn commented

Thanks, this is just from the demo data I downloaded. So in the isoform_expression_summary all the genes have some values, but the ATP5PF and IL10RB are missing from the das detection due to this error.