
A thought about speed ups

jimhavrilla opened this issue · 3 comments

There are a few things we can do to speed up the site in the future (not currently critical, but it would also be good for SEO, like Google results):

  1. Add HTTP2 support in apache, helps speedup, server load, etc. Should hopefully be as simple as a minor conf file update and apache rpm update, but we'll see. Also move from prefork apache to mpm for multiprocessing.
  2. Make all jinja/json arrays into javascript arrays for dataTables so I can use deferRender: true and the site loads way faster.
  3. Harder to do currently, because I spent a lot more time on this but...move from Apache to Nginx, everyone says it's far superior in speed for static rendering and handling multiple requests w less cores and RAM.
  1. Add minimized and efficient CSS.
  2. If possible (with droplet resources) use ray to parallelize tasks (worked for OpenFDA).

Ok so 1 was pretty easy to do.