
Minor improvement to literature search (and future disease search)

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Allow duplicate entries by switch from select2 to something like this https://www.jqueryscript.net/form/minimal-tags-input.html

A simple Jquery box that is populated and read, not this select2 nonsense.

Actually was a lot more complicated than I thought. https://stackoverflow.com/a/38533518/3705490 was instrumental, and monkey patching this in https://github.com/bootstrap-tagsinput/bootstrap-tagsinput/pull/352. Then fiddling with CSS to get the look right, and JS for Google Scholar. Looks good now though. And works really well. I think this code can be re-used for other third party searches or other applications. commit a740655 closes it.

Now you can move the cursor, add/remove terms whether duplicate or not, it's really smooth and easy.

this will get the paper we used for notes:

Takes like 3 seconds to do it. deletion and movement are EXTREMELY fast