Primary LanguagePython


Official implementation of the non-iterative score based E2E TTS (NiSETS) model. Conference: ICASSP 2024 Authors: Won-Gook Choi, Donghyun Seong, Joon-Hyuk Chang


Score-based generative models have shown the real-like quality of synthesized speech in the text-to-speech (TTS) area. However, the critical artifact of score-based models is the requirement of a high computational cost due to the iterative sampling algorithm, and it also makes it difficult to fine-tune the score-based TTS-optimized vocoder. In this study, we propose a method of joint training the score-based TTS model and HiFi-GAN using the compressed log-mel features, and it guarantees a significant speech quality even on the non-iterative sampling. As a result, the proposed method overcomes some digital artifacts of the synthesized audios compared to the non-iterative sampling of Grad-TTS. Also, the non-iterative sampling can generate speech faster than other end-to-end TTS models with fewer parameters.

Demo page: https://wgook.github.io/NiSETS-demo/

Multi-speaker: Will be updated soon


1. Installation

  • Install all Python package requirements (**Python==3.9.12)

pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Build monotonic alignment

cd model/monotonic_align; python setup.py build_ext --inplace; cd ../..

2. Training

  1. Modify configuiration in config.yaml


    system.validation_step: step interval of save model ckpt & spectrograms

    system.save_ckpt: step interval of save whole project (requires for resuming training)

    If you use wandb...

    log.project: Prjoect name log.name: Log name

    Dataset path

    dataset.prtpath: Directory of LJSpeech dataset

    dataset.metafile_train: Directory of metadata for training (It's provided in ./data_util/train.txt)

    dataset.metafile_valid: Directory of metadata for training (It's provided in ./data_util/valid.txt)

  2. Training

  • From scratch

bash run.sh

All the checkpoints will be saved in checkpoint.

You can modify CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES and --nproc-Per_node in run.sh if you use multi-GPU.

If you want to log in wandb, then set -test false in run.sh. If -test true, then the folder name of the chekcpoints will be off_XXXXXXXX

If you want to train using amp, set-a true in run.sh, but not recommended.

  • Resume from the checkpoint

Add configurations, -id folder_name -ckpt number in run.sh.

For example, -id off_12345678 -ckpt 500000

3. Inference

python sampling.py

Before sampling, change the ckpt_path and device in run.sh