
A simple and fast tool to parse the AOF file of redis / 一个简单快速的解析Redis AOF文件的工具

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A simple and fast tool to parse the AOF file of redis

Document :中文 / English



A simple and fast tool to parse the AOF file of redis

(1) Features

  • Code is clean, simple and easy to customize
  • Speed up parsing through multiple goroutines
  • A list of commands will be generated after parsing for log querying

(2) Architecture


git clone https://github.com/WGrape/parseAOF
cd parseAOF
go mod download
make build


Run the binary under bin dir parseAOF_<os>_<arch> with the path of the aof file

./bin/parseAOF_macos_arm64 -i ~/Download/appendonly.aof -r 8
./bin/parseAOF_macos_arm64 -h
parse redis aof to readable

  parseAOF [flags]

  -h, --help            help for parseAOF
  -i, --input string    input AOF file path
  -o, --output string   output dir path
  -r, --routines int    max goroutines (default 8)

(1) The input file

Here's an example input file ./data/appendonly.aof for you to test

Before running, pass the path of the aof file to the start.sh script, the content is as follows

... ...

(2) The output file

Here's an example output file ./data/aof.merged for you to test

After the parsing is complete, the file aof.merged will be generated in the directory of data, the content is as follows

--------------------parseAOF | version=0.5.0--------------------
set key1 1 
set key2 2 
set key3 3 
sadd key4 1 2 3 4 
lpush key5 1 2 3 4 5 
zadd key6 1 2 3 4 5 6 

(3) Example



  • The average speed to parse is 50000 lines/s
  • The maximum size of the aof is 1GB

(1) Testing

Id Lines Size Cost CPU
1 1,2301,117 39MB 3m50s <=65%
2 3,435,263 13MB 1m12s <=65%
3 357,850 8.6MB 3.47s <=113%