
Fetches an external API, stores them in a SQLite database, retrieves the stored datas.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Currency Database


Create a NodeJS project:

  1. Get the currency rates from https://open.er-api.com/v6/latest
  2. Store the result in the database (see notes below), only following data:
    • date and time of the request
    • rate for USD
    • rate for EUR
    • rate for GBP
    • rate for TWD


  • Clone this repo

  • Open the file and start:

    cd currency-database

    First install all npm package and run it:

    npm install
    npm start

Folder Structure

  │   README.md
  │   index.js
  │   app.js  
  │   currency.db 
  │   package.json 
  │   ...  
  • index.js is for setting up an Express web server on a port and logs a message when the server starts successfully.
  • app.js is the main file which fetches the latest currency exchange rates from an external API, stores them in a SQLite database, retrieves the stored datas.
  • currency.db is a SQLite database that is used to store currency exchange rates and time.
  • package.json lists all the dependencies and scripts needed to run the React app successfully.