
NES-LTER Transect cruise dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved total nitrogen (DTN) data prepared for EDI

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Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) and Dissolved Total Nitrogen (DTN) from Northeast U.S. Shelf Long Term Ecological Research (NES-LTER) Transect cruises, ongoing since 2022

Dissolved organic carbon and total dissolved nitrogen are measured from discrete bottle samples collected during CTD-rosette casts on Northeast U.S. Shelf Long-Term Ecological Research (NES-LTER) Transect cruises (ongoing since 2022). Sampling frequency is approximately seasonal. Sample collection is paired with particulate organic carbon at surface, subsurface chlorophyll max, and sometimes a third depth. Samples are filtered directly from the CTD rosette and acidified in the field, then analyzed at WHOI using a Shimadzu TOC-VCSH total organic carbon analyzer with a TNM-1 module for total nitrogen. Values are reported in micromoles per liter.

This repository contains the EMLassemblyline code to produce a valid EML package for this data for submission to Environmental Data Intiative repository.

The package is published and available here.