Library handling files from Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005) Mod Tools

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


C++ Library handling files from Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005) and the Mod Tools.
still developing. Looking for participants.

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This library is capable of reading various proprietary file formats from the old Star Wars Battlefront 2 game, focusing primarily on munged file formats, and providing desired data (models, textures, terrain, sounds, etc...) to the user in a high level, easy to use manner.
From how this library is implemented on a low level, altering any value, or even creating a munged file from scratch is technically possible, although at this point write serializers are not implemented yet.


How to grab the image data of a single texture (no nullptr/success checks applied here for more readability)

using LibSWBF2::Wrappers::Level;
using LibSWBF2::Wrappers::Texture;
using LibSWBF2::ETextureFormat;

Level* lvl = Level::FromFile("geo1.lvl");
const Texture* texture = lvl->GetTexture("geo_main_1");

uint16_t width, height;
const uint8_t* data;

// param 1: Desired format you want the image data to be in. 
//          Resulting data is always uncompressed. 
//          The lib handles decompression and conversion, if necessary
// param 2: Mip map index. Use 0 to always get the highest available resolution.
texture->GetImageData(ETextureFormat::B8_G8_R8_A8, 0, width, height, data);

// ... now, do what you want with the image data. copy, export, whatever.


Note that the data pointer will get invalid once the Level instance is destroyed.

Everything else is handled in a similar manner. An overview of available calls:


GetModel(String modelName)
GetTexture(String textureName)
GetWorld(String worldName)
GetTerrain(String terrainName)
GetScript(String scriptName)
GetSound(String soundName)

Supported file formats

  • MSH
  • LVL
  • BNK

Build dependencies (VS NuGet)

  • directxtex_desktop_win10
  • glm
  • fmt