MHP-RCA is a Hawkes process-based RCA framework that integrates multi-source data.

Primary LanguagePython


MHP-RCA: Multivariate Hawkes Process-based Root Cause Analysis in Microservice Systems

MHP-RCA is a Hawkes process-based RCA framework that integrates multi-source data.


Hardware environment CPU: 8-core 2.40GHz CPU, RAM: 16GB, OS: Ubuntu
Container environment Kubernetes 11.3.1, Docker Client 7.31, Docker Server 7.31
Data collection Metric collection: Istio 1.4.5, Prometheus 6.3, NodeExporter 1.41 ,Audit log collection: Elastic Search 8.4.1, Kibana 8.4.1, AuditBeat 8.4.1
Benchmark system Bookinfo 1.17.0, Online-Boutique 0.8.0, Sock-Shop 0.4.8

Getting Started

Clone the Repo

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/WHU-AISE/MHP-RCA.git

Install Dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt


python localization.py