A High Performance RPC with Golang
- go build main.go
- go run main.go
func startRegistry(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
l, _ := net.Listen("tcp", ":9999")
_ = http.Serve(l, nil)
The port :9999 stand for your service started at the port 9999
func startServer(registryAddr string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
var foo Foo
l, _ := net.Listen("tcp", ":0")
server := geerpc.NewServer()
_ = server.Register(&foo)
registry.Heartbeat(registryAddr, "tcp@"+l.Addr().String(), 0)
The registeryAddr is like this
registryAddr := "http://localhost:9999/_wangxsrpc_/registry"
the struct is
http://ip:(your registery server port)/wangxsrpc/registry
func broadcast(registry string) {
d := xclient.NewWangxsRegistryDiscovery(registry, time.Second)
xc := xclient.NewXClient(d, xclient.RandomSelect, nil)
result := 0
xc.Broadcast(context.Background(), "Foo.Sum", &Args{Num1: 1, Num2: 2}, &result)
log.Printf("1 + 2 = %d\n", result)
xclient is the high performance client for rpc
xclient.RandomSelect is the load balance algorithm
func call(registry string) {
d := xclient.NewWangxsRegistryDiscovery(registry, 0)
xc := xclient.NewXClient(d, xclient.RandomSelect, nil)
defer func() { _ = xc.Close() }()
// send request & receive response
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
go func(i int) {
defer wg.Done()
result := 0
xc.Call(context.Background(), "Foo.Sum", &Args{Num1: i, Num2: i * i}, &result)
The page url is http://yourip:port/debug/wangxsrpc
default is http://localhost:9999/debug/wangxsrpc