Question about the comparison methods

Shi-Qi-Li opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi @HpWang-whu ,
Thanks for your great work. I have some confusion while reproducing some results from the paper.

  1. In the experiment part, the comparison methods include some rotation averaging methods (e.g. HARA). I wonder how to calculate absolute t for these methods. Does it use the same least squares translation synchronization as the SGHR? If YES, how to determine the weight w for these rotation averaging methods?
  2. For these optimization-based methods, whether the hyperparameters use the original default values or other adjusted values? For example, the RR results of EIGSE3 reported in the paper are 23.2%/60.4% (full/sparse graph with YOHO+3DMatch). However, my reproduced results using the below default EIGSE3 hyperparameters are only 15%/52%.
use_mex=0;               % use_mex = false -> do not use mex function to compute weights
use_sparse=1;            % use_sparse = true -> use sparse Matlab solvers (eigs/svds)
nmax_eig_irls=50;        % nmax = maximum number of iterations of IRLS
thresh_eig_irls=1e-5;    % thresh = thrsehold on relative error to check convergence of IRLS
method="top";            % method = 'top' -> compute top eigenvectors

Any help is appreciated!

Hi @Shi-Qi-Li ,
Thanks for your interest!

  1. For HARA, we simply replace the final rotation synchronization (using L1/2 reweighting function) with SE(3) transformation synchronization.
  2. I certainly made some modifications to the hyperparameters and code of the baselines to achieve their best performances by trial and error. But I am quite sorry that I forgot my final detailed settings of them. :(


Hi @Shi-Qi-Li , Thanks for your interest!

1. For HARA, we simply replace the final rotation synchronization (using L1/2 reweighting function) with SE(3) transformation synchronization.

2. I certainly made some modifications to the hyperparameters and code of the baselines to achieve their best performances by trial and error. But I am quite sorry that I forgot my final detailed settings of them. :(


Thank your very much for the reply!