correlation between point cloud resolution and the parameter voxel size in demo.py

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请问下点云下采样的leaf size和voxel size的设置有关系吗,比如为现在有一个近处的40cm左右尺寸的物体,点云下采样的voxel为5mm,那我在demo.py的设置,voxel size还需要考虑物体和3dmatch的场景尺寸之间的映射吗,还需要用0.4/3*0.025吗?还是设置为0.005就可以了。谢谢。

Thanks for sharing your work.
I am confused with the voxel size setting.
If the point cloud is downsampled with leaf size 0.005(m), the object's size in pointcloud is about 0.4m. how can i set the parameter value of voxel size in demo.py. it should be 0.005 or 0.4/3*0.025=0.003. Does it make sense to set a voxel size smaller than pointcloud resolution.

looking forward to your reply.

Hi @songhc8,

You need to use 0.4/3*0.025. The voxel downsampling is independent of the original density of the point cloud and always needed.


Hi @songhc8,
抱歉忘记说了,你在使用demo.py的时候可以不用给voxel size,demo.py会自己计算的


Line 51 in e0dc1c2

def _determine_vs(self, pcs):