
A front-end to allow PIs to easily report to the ICC their Statements of Work in accordance with MoUs: https://mou.icecube.aq

Primary LanguagePython

GitHub release (latest by date including pre-releases) Lines of code GitHub issues GitHub pull requests



A front-end to allow PIs to easily report to the ICC their Statements of Work in accordance with MOUs: mou.icecube.aq

Active MOUs:

  • IceCube M&O
  • IceCube Upgrade

How to Run Locally

You will need to launch servers:

1. Launch Local MongoDB Server via Docker

  1. (Optional) Kill All Active MongoDB Daemons
  2. docker run -p 27017:27017 --rm -i --name mou-mongo mongo:VERSION
  3. (Optional) Ingest data to create a realistic start-up state
mongoimport -d mo-supplemental -c LIVE_COLLECTION --type json --file $TEST_JSON_DIR/v2-mo-supplemental.json
mongoimport -d mo -c LIVE_COLLECTION --jsonArray --type json --file $TEST_JSON_DIR/v2-mo.json

2. Build Local Docker Image

docker build -t moudash:local --no-cache .

3. Launch REST Server

A REST server that interfaces with a local MongoDB server

docker run --network="host" --rm -i --name mou-rest \
    --env CI_TEST=true \
    moudash:local \
    python -m rest_server --override-krs-insts ./resources/dummy-krs-data.json

4. Launch Web App

A dashboard for managing & reporting MOU tasks

docker run --network="host" --rm -i --name mou-web \
    --env CI_TEST=true \
    --env DEBUG=yes \
    --env OIDC_CLIENT_SECRETS=resources/dummy_client_secrets_for_web_app.json \
    moudash:local \
    python -m web_app

4a. Launch from Source

This is most useful for debugging and editing CSS live, since it requires no docker rebuilding.

<create virtual environment>
pip install .
pip uninstall UNKNOWN  # this uninstalls the mou source code so it can be ran/changed live
export CI_TEST=true
export DEBUG=yes
export OIDC_CLIENT_SECRETS=resources/dummy_client_secrets_for_web_app.json
python -m web_app

5. View Webpage

Go to http://localhost:8050/