
This handles incoming tickets like bugs and feature requests

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

W.I.S.E. (Wildfire Intelligence and Simulation Engine)

Formerly known as PSaaS (Promethues Software as a Service)

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This repository is the primary project management repo and is used to catch all bugs, tasks and Feature requests as well as website feedback.

Project Known Issues

At this time the WISE executable (The Engine) is correctly running simulations from a model file (*.FGMJ) on all platforms.

Builder is not yet proven working, nor is the JS API, but these are being worked on currently and you should expect this status to change quickly.

Best to keep your eye on this project, it will be up to date and shows whats working and whats not.

Github Repo --> WISE Demo

Component Build Status

WISE Application:





WISE Builder:

Maven Package

WISE Manager:

Maven Package

WISE: Versions

Trigger Release

Project Information

Evolution of WISE

The evolution of Prometheus to WISE can be viewed Here it is visualized as a series of GIT graphs...

Project Timeline

THe project History Timeline can be viewed Here

Contributor Covenant

View our code of conduct on our website