
CS277 Project: Deep Reinforcement Learning in portfolio Management. This repo is preprocessing part, including picking stocks, price visulization and correlation analysis.

Primary LanguagePython


This repo is part of CS277 project: Deep Reinforcement Learning in Portfolio Management.

The whole project consists three repos for three parts:

  1. Preprocessing:
    • Pre-stock-selection
    • Processing raw data provided by SSE
    • Generating datasets for DQN and DDPG based on the selected stocks
  2. DQN:
    • Implement of trading agent based on DQN
  3. DDPG:
    • Implement of trading agent based on DDPG

This repo is for the preprocessing part.

How to run

Before running the select_stock.py script, please check that you have put the /quot folder under the /data folder.

python select_stock.py

This script will:

  • concat the raw data files
  • select 19 stocks randomly
  • generate datasets files for DQN and DDPG
  • conduct correlation analysis and visualization for the 19 stocks


  • /quot folder is the data folder consists raw data provided by SSE.

  • /vis folder: Graphs and tables generated by select_stock.py on data visualization and correlation analysis.

  • select_stock.py: the main script.

Following are examples of outputs generated by running the select_stock.py script:

  • stock_table.csv: table of stocks selected by the select_stock.py script.
  • all_set.csv: the dataset file for DQN
  • stock_history.h5: the dataset file for DDPG
  • train_set.csv: the training set separated from all_set.csv for visualization and correlation analysis.
  • test_set.csv: the testing set separated from all_set.csv for visualization and correlation analysis.


19 Stocks we chose

stock_table: 19 stocks from different industry areas chose randomly.

Correlation analysis of 19 stocks on train set

train_set_corr.csv: correlation data table

19_stock_pct.png: percentage(LastPx/PreClosePx) of every stock form 2014 to 2017


19_stock_raw.png: LastPx of every stock form 2014 to 2017


19_stock_heatmap.png: heatmap of 19 stocks which shows the correlation of every 2 stocks.


19_tock_pairplot.png: pairplot graph of 19 stocks which shows the correlation of every 2 stocks.


Data preprocess: Train set, Test set

train_set.csv: LastPx (colse data) of 19 stocks form 2014-2017

test_set.csv: LastPx (colse data) of 19 stocks form 2017-2019

all_set.csv: LastPx (colse data) of 19 stocks form 2014-2019

stock_history.h5: open, close, high, low, volume of 19 stocks from 2014-2019